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Can an Overlooked Millet Make Large Parts of India Sugar-Producing Regions?


Sweet sorghum may be able to replace the sugarcane crop in water-scarce situations and help meet demand for sugar and ethanol production. — Alok...

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In search of miracle berry in Himalayas: How sea buckthorn is transforming lives in Lahaul


It is a miracle plant filled with benefits from regulating blood pressure to boosting immunity, and perhaps that’s why it has even caught the fancy of Prime ...

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MSP for Farmers: Does India Need to Look Westwards for a Solution?


By linking the Kisan Credit Card to price floors and crops as collateral, the government can ameliorate the agrarian distress by investing in an agrarian programme...

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India’s White Revolution Runs Into Fodder Problem


Milk and meat production suffer gravely in India due to the poor quality and chronic under-availability of fodder. There are solutions, but is anybody listening? <...

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Soil Testing Labs, More Cold Storages: Farmers Propose Ways to Heal Himachal Pradesh’s Apple Economy


Himachal Pradesh’s apple economy has suffered an estimated loss of over Rs 1,000 crore. However, it is not just climate change that has badly hit the state&r...

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