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Contribution of Women for Samagra Vikas of the Nation

Development is necessarily a value addition process to Growth. Development though is an ongoing process, needs efforts to provide value addition to the natural process of growth. — Mahadevayya Karadalli


While talking, discussing about the country’s economic prosperity we often use the words “Growth” & “Development” at par. As though it seems that they carry the same meaning.  But there is a significant difference in the practical approach. Growth occurs naturally with passage of time. For example with the passage of years a baby child grows to adulthood, which is but natural and needs no much effort (rather than taking care of the baby body sustenance). In contrast, Development is necessarily a value addition process to Growth. Development though is an ongoing process, needs efforts to provide value addition to the natural process of growth. Providing the child food, cloth, health, education, shelter etc., which are essentials for his/her all round growth which includes physical, intellectual and mental growth is a live example for development.

On reviewing the life style of the western society it may be observed that their thought process and life style is limited to merely material growth and development. In other words, the process of growth and developments covers only the materialistic wants & needs. In contrast to this, the Bharatiya concept of growth and development of a child goes beyond materialistic aspects, i.e. beyond economic prosperity. In addition to material aspects, the spiritual wellbeing of the child is needed to ensure Samagra Vikas. Nearest meaning of Samagra Vikasa is comprehensive development which encompasses all aspects of a human life both material as well as spiritual aspects. Justice Dr M Rama Jois rightly put it in “Trivarga” i.e. earning artha to fulfil desires (the Kama) within the purview of Dharma.   

Strong tradition of Family culture has been continuing over many millennia is the basis for Samagra Vikas. And women contribution is the main base for our strong and sustainable family culture.  

Average Bharatiya, by nature, leads his life for his Family.  Institutions such as, the society, the Village, the Taluk, the District and so on has their roots in the family. Thus Bharatiya thought Process of “Samagra Vikasa”, naturally leads to the lofty concept of “Sarve Jana Sukhino Bhavantu” and this is being practiced throughout life. Welfare of Individual lies within the welfare of Family, the Society, the State and the Nation. Member of a family works simultaneously for his personal welfare as well as family welfare, just as the mother earth revolves around the sun and also around herself. 

Applying these principles to economic filed, ours is a Positive and Saving Oriented economy based on family values. Bharatiyas create wealth to take care of present and future generations with nature friendly life style conducting his activities as the Trustee for the resources of mother earth. People endeavour to create assets, and services not at the cost of nature, (the mother of all of us) but to fulfil their present and future needs without harming anybody including mother nature. 

Women, who constitute half of the country’s population, have been the sustaining force of this concept of Samagra Vikasa of the village to country since time immemorial. Contributions and participation of women in running the family, celebrating of festivals, continuing the traditional legacy is unique one. For westerns such type of works are unimaginable, laborious, almost impossible.    

Bharatiya family system is commendable one. In which both Men and women function in a highly coordinated manner like two wheels of a single chariot. This can be compared with the perfectly synchronized, symphony which generates pleasing music, expressed in the kannada phrase “Samsaradalli Sarigamapada” (melodious music in family,). This perfectly coordinated harmonious function is possible due to innate management capacity/skills within women. Her capacity and confidence in managing and handling the situation is commendable. Her working skills viz cooks at home, taking care of children, husband, elders, widows, unmarried, serving food according to one needs, reusing redistributing food/things without wasting, are the best examples for Women Contribution. 

A woman with multidimensional qualities would be able to lead the family and organize everything systematically, so that there would be either no waste or minimum waste. She would be also responsible for the comprehensive and constructive development. Women’s self-help groups are a role model increasing their profits on amount invested, and thereby increasing repaying capacity. Further, Women are working at par with Men are in governance, business, economy, and administration, showing similar levels of competence, productivity and  at the same time are providing care, giving moral support and protection to the Family Members. The best and live example is handling COVID-19 situation. Women were in various profiles/duties such as Doctors, Nurses, Asha workers, Anganwadi workers, Sanitation Workers, Social Service Workers, etc., worked on  par with men day and night sacrificing  their individual life, family life  to serve the patients. 

For the overall socio economic development of Bharat, providing enabling environment to bring the best contribution out of women is very important. In this connection, educating women assumes great importance “Educating a man is just educating another man, but educating a women is like opening a school” says the Kannada proverb. The history of Bharat is rich with the shining examples of achievements and contributions of all types of women from ordinary to extraordinary. 

“Yatra naryastu poojyante ramante tatra devata yatrautatastu na poojyante sarvastatra phala Kriya” Says Manu Smriti. (Meaning: Wherever women are treated with respect, their lives the Gods to bestow good results. Where the women are not respected, how can there be good results to any deed.)

Grihini Grihamuchyate (characteristic of Indian woman) 

A beautiful samskrit subhashita (great saying) highlights the importance of women in a home.

Nagriham Grihamityahurgrihinei Grihamuchyate
Grihantu Grihinihinamaranyasadrisham Bhavet

Meaning: A house is not transformed to a home till the home maker (grihini - wife) declares it. A house without a housewife is like a forest.

A housewife in Kannada, Smaskrit and other languages is called the Yajamani i.e., the owner of the house. In a very true sense, women are the OWNER of the house. She works 24x7 works for the happiness of the family. She loves and cares for everyone. There is nothing in the home that is beyond her reach, beyond her emotional intelligence. Women is the Grihini, an ideal mother, wife, daughter, daughter-in-law, mother-in-law, grandmother, maid, minister, doctor, guru, rescuer in times of danger and Jyoti (lamp)  of the house. Home with Women- Grihini, is a happy family in real sense. 1000gms of Silver, Gold & Diamonds in the Bank Locker, Dozens of sites, large bed rooms, luxury equipment can never make a home. Only a home with a Grihini is a perfect home. Grihini can only perform multi-dimensional tasks like hospitality, respect to elders, love for younger, friendship among equals, solidarity, mutual consultation; adherence to the elder’s decision is a perfect family. Hence, a woman is provided a higher stature in our society, by calling her as Grilahakshmi. She is the true Lakshmi (Goddess of wealth) of the house.

Women’s multi-dimensional characters are, the companion, counsel like a minister, the  mother one who carried, the one who nurtured, the one who leads life as a shadow of husband, the wife, pours out the flow of love, the pillar of the family and the relation bond between family members. “Nari” has an equal share in hardships and pleasures, pains and pleasures, for her children the mother is just a God on earth.  Whether the husband is educated, rich or an officer, it is an open secret that no man can go beyond the words of his wife (many times she is less educated than the husband). 

“Karyeshu Dasi, Karaneshu Mantri, Bhojeshu Mata Shayaneshu Rambha, Kshamaye Dharitri, Rupeshu Lakshmi, Satkarmayukta Kuldhadharma Patti”

Meaning- A housewife is the Yajamani (mistress) of the household, a loyal worker while working, a good adviser and intimate counsellor like a minister to a king, while serving food, she is a mother. Rambhe, (the apsara) at night, makes you wander in the wonderful world of romance and love. While forgiving mistakes she is like the Bhumata, Vishnu’s wife Lakshmi. Dharma Patni (House Wife) be it in health or wealth, be in  maintaining prosperity and peace, be in maintaining good deeds like kindness, charity morals and religion, she  is  always ahead of others. This auspicious Bharatiya women is not only an icon for her ability, nature, business skills but also for the achievement of Purushartha i.e. Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha. She controls Artha & Kama the materialistic thoughts through practice of Dharma (the spiritualistic thought). Hence, Significant Contribution of women in Samabra Vikasa cannot be underestimated. A model to follow, paramount to all and living testimony is woman’s multidimensional personality, author ship. Woman’s contribution to the individual, the Society is an ideal model. Modern Indian women - a Samskaravant Grihini (cultured women) - empowered with modern education, is making strides in every field of life outside the home. There is no field which is untouched by Bharatiya women, be it business, art, literature, sports, science, politics and also in sensitive fields like police and army. Women are shining in all fronts and have proved the age old kannada proverb “women are helpless and their intelligence is below the knee” etc. lost it is relevance. 

To summarize Samagra Vikasa (a comprehensive development,) of Indian society, a family and Social bond with clear goal, goal-oriented practice, special attention towards business ethics and social commitments, are necessary. Towards this goal, the contribution of women towards holistic Samagra Vikasa is to be recognized and respected.

[To be continued ....]

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