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Swamy Vivekanand thoughts on Swavlambhi (Self Reliant) Bharat - 2

The Great national sin is the neglect of the masses, and that is one of the causes of our downfall. — Mahadevayya Karadalli


(To be continued of previous issue...)

First Bread and then Religion
I  do not believe in a God who cannot give me bread here, giving me eternal bliss in heaven! Pooh! India is to be raised, the poor are to be fed, education is to be spread, and the evil of priest craft is to be removed to get the best religion in the world. Make European society with India’s religion. It is possible and must be.

Independent India will embrace materialism

Western nations do not give up their stark materialism, another world war is inevitable. He Prophesied that INDIA when independent will embrace materialism of the west and attain material prosperity to such an extent that it will surpass its past records in that filed. He also foretold that Countries like America would become increasingly spiritual because they will have realized from the height of material prosperity. The simple truth that gross materialism cannot give eternal peace. Bharat the crusader of world peace shall imbibe the morality in the mind of  future genearation with a special attention to spiritualism. 

Worship Womanwood 

The uplift women, the awakening of the masses must come first, and then only can any real good come about for the country for India. 

The urgent need for Rshtreeya Educaiton

The only service to be done for our lower classes is to give education to develop their lost individuality.  Give them ideas, that is the only help they require. All the wealth of the world cannot help one little Indian village if the people are not taught to help themselves. Our work should be mainly educational both moral and intellectual.

Reciprocity between East and West 

Love is life and hatred is death. Give and take is the law. If India wants to raise herself once more, it is absolutely necessary that she brings out her treasures  and throws them broadcast among the nations of the earth. India has to learn from Europe the conquest of external nature, and Europe has to learn from India the conquest of Internal nature. Then it is the union of the two that is wanted and there will be the ideal humanity.  

Call to Nation Builders 

New India has to build upon Indian Traditions. We must grow according to our nation. Money does not pay, nor name, fame does not pay, not learning, It is love that pays. It is character cleaves its way through adamantine walls difficulties. 

Three things are necessary to make every man, every nation great– 

  1. Conviction of the powers of goodness
  2. Absence of jealousy and suspicion
  3. Helping all who are trying to be and do good  
  4. Have faith that you are all . Do not afraid of small beginning, great things come afterwards. Be courageous. Men are more valuable than all the wealth of the world. Do not lead your brethren, but serve them. Be unselfish even unto death and work.  

National Resurgence in industrial sector

Accidentally, Swamiji met great Parasi Businessman JN Tata on 12 days ship trip to Chicago.  During discussion Tata told about his plan to import steel from Japan in India and then trade it.  On hearing this swami suggested that instead of importing, he should learn the technology from Japan and should produce steel in India itself. So that, Indian youths would get employment and India would be self reliant . When Japan and Britain refused to deliver technology , he went to US and signed technology transfer contract , as a result, First factory of Tata Steel in Jamshedpur started. Further, an idea of establishing Indian Institute of Science Bengaluru for Research oriented activities. This idea has the roots in conversations held between Tata and Swamiji on a voyage in 1893. It is a step to take country ahead on the road to self reliance and development.  That time it was not a easy dream to realize  in the hostile administration. Sister Nivedita contributed her might through active campaign to establish IIsc research center . 

National Resurgence in scientific field 

Renewed Scientist Jagadish Chandra Bose’s research  paper on raido wavers disappeared in abroad and after couple of months on same lines it was  patented by Marconi. Bose was deeply depressed. 

At that time Sister Nivedita arranged a meeting of Jagadish Chandra Bose with Swamiji.  Swamiji asked him to prove the India Vedanta’s formula- there is life in vegetation. Bose worked on it diligently and proved the truth to world. And became the first Indian scientist to receive an American Patient. 

20th Century Physics Influenced by Swami Vivekanad

Viveknand thoughts on the relationship between force, matter and energy and underlined its similarity with the ideas of modern science are inspiration to me - Nicola Tesla Renowned Scientist.

Before he left London , one of his British friends put this question to him: Swamiji, how do you like now your motherland after four years experience of the Luxurious, glorious, powerful west? Swamiji replied: India I Love before I came away. Now the very dust of India has become holy to  me, the very air is now to me holy, it is now the holy land, the place of pilgrimage, the Tirtha. 

Awakened, Rejuvenated Bharat

There were many good things in the ancient times, but there were bad things too. The  good things are to be retained, but the India that is to be , the future India, must be much greater than ancient India.  Mother Bharat has awakened once again, sitting on her throne, rejuvenated, more glorious than ever.  India will be raised, not with the power of the flesh, but with the power of spirit, not with the flag of destruction, but with the flag of peace and love. 

The messages of Swamiji’s with inspiring thoughts and actions are stepping stones for Swalambhi Bharat. The time tested thoughts (materialism with spiritualism) are to be studied, practiced in our daily routine. Then only the dream of Swalambi Bharat. Balwan Bharat and Samrudda Bharat can be achieved.               

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