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स्वदेशी जागरण मंच ने मनाई स्वामी विवेकानंद जयंती

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच की ओर से संचालित स्वावलंबी भारत अभियान के अंतर्गत विवेका ...

स्वावलंबन एवं उद्यमिता से मजबूत होगी आर्थिक स्थितिः धर्मेंद्र दुबे

सीकर (सुमेर सिंह राव) रामलीला मैदान स्थित समुत्कर्ष भवन संघ कार्यालय में स्व ...

National Turmeric Board in Nizamabad becomes a reality

The long-cherished dream of Telangana turmeric farmers is set to become a reality with the formal inauguration of the National Turmeric Board in Nizamabad. The official ceremony will take place at a c ...

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच ने प्रजनन दर में हो रही गिरावट पर चिंता जताई

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच (स्वजामं) ने कुल प्रजनन दर में ‘तेजी से हो रही गिरावट’ प ...

बेरोजगारी मिटाने के लिए युवा स्वदेशी की ओर बढ़ेंः कश्मीरी लाल

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच व स्वावलंबी भारत अभियान की ओर से गोपाल विद्या मंदिर में प् ...

स्वावलंबी भारत अभियान के तहत 2 साल में 8 लाख कारोबारी होंगे तैयारः सतीश कुमार

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच के अखिल भारतीय सह संयोजक सतीश कुमार ने कहा कि स्वदेशी जागर ...

स्वदेशी आंदोलन के प्रथम शहीद बाबू गेनू को किया नमन

स्वदेशी आंदोलन के प्रथम शहीद गेनू बाबू के बलिदान दिवस पर उनकी स्मृति में पिं ...

Two Day Residential Workshop of SJM

30 November-1 December, 2024 (Prachar Vibhag, Delhi)   The Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) hosted a significant two-day residential workshop for the Prachar Vibhag at its central office in Ram ...

Data Exclusivity Anti Poor, Anti-Farmer, Anti Self-Reliance: Dr. Ashwani Mahajan

Implementing data exclusivity could impact India’s pharmaceutical and agricultural sectors and public health, Ashwani Mahajan, the co-convenor of Swadeshi Jagran Manch, has said. In a blog ...

Proposal To Impose 35% GST On ‘Sin Goods’ Not A Good Idea: SJM

The Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM), along with other trade associations, has criticized the proposal to impose a 35% GST on “sin goods” like tobacco and aerated beverages. They argue that thi ...

SJM expresses concern over falling Total Fertility Rate

Swadeshi Jagran Manch expressed concern over the fast declining Total Fertility Rate (TFR), which means the number of babies an average woman aged 15-49 bears over her lifetime, and its likely impact ...

Swadeshi JagranManch celebrates 300th birth anniversary of Ahilya Bai

The Swadeshi JagranManch (SJM) organized a grand event to commemorate the 300th birth anniversary of the legendary Ahilya Bai Holkar, an iconic figure celebrated as the “Women of Justice.” ...

DattopantThengadi played vital role in India’s economic philosophy: VC KUK

The University Institute of Engineering and Technology, in collaboration with, the Swadeshi JagranManch and Swavalambhi Bharat Abhiyan, Kurukshetra, organised Swadeshi SwavalambhiDiwas “District ...

Swadeshi Mela concludes on a grand note at People’s Plaza

State Minister Jupally Krishna Rao highlighted the importance of supporting local products, explaining how promoting and utilising locally made goods strengthens the State’s economy and provides ...

रतन टाटा के दूरदर्शी नेतृत्व ने भारत को गौरवान्वित कियाः स्वजामं

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच ने दिग्गज उद्योगपति रतन टाटा के निधन पर शोक व्यक्त किया और ...

Swadeshi Jagran Manch Honors Ratan Tata’s Legacy

Swadeshi Jagran Manch leaders pay tribute to Ratan Tata, highlighting his pivotal role in India’s industrial growth and commitment to national values. Manoj Kumar Singh, National Working Comm ...

Development of Northeast is onpriority asserts: CA R. Sundaram

Tripura University in association with Techno India College of Engineering, Agartala and Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) organized an awareness programme in line with its activities towards promoting Orga ...

उद्यमिता ही हमें शून्य से शिखर तक ले जायेगीः श्री कश्मीरी लाल

काजरी सभागार में स्वदेशी जागरण मंच जोधपुर प्रांत की दो दिवसीय विचार-वर्ग एव ...

लोकल फॉर वोकल हीं राष्ट्र की उन्नति का आधारः डॉ. महाजन

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच का ब्रज प्रांतीय अभ्यास एवं प्रशिक्षण वर्ग सम्पन्न हुआ, ज ...

SJM welcomes FSSAI approval to labelling of salt, sugar, fat on packaged food items in bold letters

The Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) welcomed the FSSAI's approval to a proposal to make mandatory labelling of salt, sugar, fat on packaged food items in bold letters, saying it will go a long way in ...

Ladakh University hosts session on “Entrepreneurship: New Mantra for new Bharat”

University of Ladakh hosted a significant interaction session on the topic “Entrepreneurship: new mantra for new Bharat” by distinguished guests Sh. Satish Kumar, National co-organizer of ...

जीवन के सभी पक्षों में हो ‘स्व’ का भावः डॉ. कृष्ण गोपाल

स्वदेशीः कल, आज और कल जीवन के सभी पक्षों में हो ‘स्व’ का भावः डॉ. कृष्ण गोप ...

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच ने क्यों उठाई रॉबोट टैक्स की मांग?

दुनिया लगातार विकास के पंख लगाकर उड़ रही है लेकिन इसके साथ ही मानव जगत के लिए त ...

उद्यमिता से ही भारत बनेगा विकसित राष्ट्रः आर. सुन्दरम

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच की तीन दिवसीय राष्ट्रीय परिषद की बैठक लखनऊ के एसआर इंस्टी ...

‘Robot tax’ for AI-induced job loss & ‘wealth tax’ on vacant land: SJM

Swadeshi Jagaran Manch (SJM) wants the Modi government to impose a ‘robot tax’ to compensate those who lose their jobs due to the use of artificial intelligence (AI). In its wish list subm ...

SJM plans campaign to raise awareness that ‘India’s population a boon, not burden’

Expressing concern that the “one child norm” being adopted by many families in the country might soon turn India into an “older nation” such as Japan or China, Swadeshi Jagran ...

"जैविक उद्यमिताः 37 करोड़ स्टार्टअप का देश" पुस्तक का विमोचन

यूनिवर्सिटी ग्रांट कमिशन (यूजीसी) के सदस्य, सीबीयू भिवानी पूर्व कुलपति, स्वद ...

Budget 2024: Economists Call For Fiscal Prudence, Employment Boost, Through Welfare Spend

Economists have urged the government to maintain fiscal prudence, increase allocations to welfare schemes, and boost employment during the initial week of pre-budget meetings between the Union Finance ...

विरासत कर से धन के पलायन का खतराः डॉ. अश्वनी महाजन

भारत में चल रहे राष्ट्रीय चुनावों में विरासत कर और धन पुनर्वितरण पर एक तीव्र ...

राष्ट्र की रक्षा के लिए राष्ट्रवाद का समर्थन जरूरीः कश्मीरी लाल

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच के राष्ट्रीय संगठक श्री कश्मीरी लाल ने कहा कि देश के युवा ...

Any inheritance tax in India risks flight of wealth from the country: Dr. Ashwani Mahajan

India’s ongoing national elections are witnessing an intense political debate over inheritance tax and wealth redistribution triggered by a comment by Sam Pitroda, the chairman of the ...

साधारण सा व्यक्ति असाधारण उद्यम खड़ा कर सकता हैंः कश्मीरी लाल

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच के तत्वाधान में दिल्ली रोड स्थित टिमिट सभागार (मुरादाबाद) ...

चीन के खिलाफ कड़े कदम उठाने होंगेः डॉ. अश्वनी महाजन

भारत और चीन की अर्थव्यवस्था के बीच अक्सर तुलना की जाती है। हमें यह ध्यान रखन ...

SJM opposes illegal attempt to add investment facilitation agreement to WTO

The Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) staunchly opposes efforts to illegitimately incorporate the Investment Facilitation for Development Agreement (IFA) into the World Trade Organisation (WTO) Agreement du ...

Ahead of WTO meet, SJM presses for ‘permanent solution’ on food security, public stockholding

Ahead of the 13th ministerial conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) pitched for a “permanent solution” on food security and public stockholding. In ...

India not in a hurry to ratify first agreement on fisheries; SJM welcomes stand at WTO

SJM welcomed the statement of the official delegation of government of India at WTO’s 13th Ministerial Conference (MC13) in Abu Dhabi that India is in no hurry to ratify the first agreement on f ...

कैंसर की तरह राज्यों में फैल रहा है मुफ्त तोहफे का रोग: स्व.जा.म.

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच (स्व.जा.म.) ने कहा कि राज्यों द्वारा मुफ्त बिजली जैसे मुफ्त ...

विकसित राष्ट्र का मूल मंत्र स्वदेशी उद्यमिता, सहकारिताः सतीश कुमार

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच राजस्थान क्षेत्र की बैठक जयपुर में संपन्न हुई स्वदेशी जा ...

Misuse of resources for freebies by states spreading like ‘cancer’, must be stopped: SJM

Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) has said the misuse of resources by states to dole out freebies such as free electricity is like a “cancer” in the economy and should be put an end to. SJM co-c ...

अखिल भारतीय वृहद बैठक - कन्याकुमारी (23-25 दिसंबर 2023)

युवा, उद्यमिता एवं स्वदेशी के वृहद विचार पर केन्द्रित स्वदेशी जागरण मंच एवं ...

गुरु जम्भेश्वर विश्वविद्यालय दत्तोपंत ठेंगड़ी के नाम पर स्थापित करेगा चेयर पीठ

गुरु जम्भेश्वर विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय, हिसार के अर्थशास् ...

नौकरी की जगह स्वरोज़गार पर फोकस करना जरुरीः कश्मीरी लाल

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच के राष्ट्रीय संगठक श्री कश्मीरी लाल ने कहा कि कोरोना के बा ...

युवाओं को उद्यमी बनाने का किया जाएगा कार्यः दुबोलिया

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच और स्वावलंबी भारत अभियान के अंतर्गत जिला स्तरीय बैठक सरस ...

बेहद सादगीपूर्ण था दत्तोपंत ठेंगड़ी का जीवनः डा. राजीव कुमार

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच के तत्वाधान में एक दिया अमर बलिदानियों के नाम कार्यक्रम स ...

Aatmanirbhar Bharat different from Nehru’s model: SJM 

Amid the laptop import restriction debate, a new book edited by Dr. Ashwani Mahajan (National Co-convenor, SJM) has argued that the Modi dispensation’s ‘aatmanirbharta& ...

भारत के ग्रामीण क्षेत्र के युवाओं में है अपार प्रतिभाः श्रीधर वेंबू 

स्वदेशी शोध संस्थान द्वारा राष्ट्रऋषि दत्तोपंत ठेंगड़ी जी की 103वीं जयंती पर ...

भारत को बदनाम करने वाली रिपोर्ट्स के प्रकाशन पर लगे रोकः स्वदेशी जागरण मंच

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच ने केंद्र सरकार से यह मांग की है कि सरकार को भारत को बदनाम क ...

Global Hunger Index is erroneous, shows ‘malafide intent’: SJM

Days after the government said that the Global Hunger Index continues to be “an erroneous measure of hunger with serious methodological issues and shows a malafide intent”, Swadeshi Jagran ...

Bharat@2047: Roadmap for Development

Swadeshi Sodh Sansthan organized a one-day seminar on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Rashtra Rishi Dattopant Thengdi ji at Satyagraha Mandap, Gandhi Darshan and Gandhi Smriti, Rajghat, New D ...

उद्यमी रोजगार सृजन के लिए अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण स्तंभः सतीश कुमार

स्वावलंबी भारत अभियान, मुरादाबाद के जिला संयोजक प्रशांत शर्मा ने बताया कि स ...

बेहतर भविष्य को स्वरोजगार अपनाएं युवा

वजीराबाद रेड़ स्थित भीमराव अंबेडकर कालेज में स्वदेशी जागरण मंच दिल्ली प्रां ...

‘डॉट्स.....ऑफ़ भारत 2047’ 

स्वदेशी शोध स्थान के अंतर्गत ‘डॉट्स.....ऑफ़ भारत’ पुस्तक का प्रकाशन किया गय ...

मेक इन इंडिया को बढ़ावा देकर भारत कर रहा ‘सही काम': पुतिन

रूस के राष्ट्रपति व्लादिमीर पुतिन ने एक बार फिर ’मेक इन इंडिया’ पहल की सर ...

‘रोजगार मतलब सरकारी नौकरी’ की धारणा तोड़नी होगीः सतीश कुमार

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच द्वारा चलाए जा रहे देशव्यापी स्वावलंबी भारत अभियान के तह ...

Swavalambi Bharat Abhiyan Sets Up Livelihood Centres In Madhya Pradesh

Livelihood centres aimed at enhancing employment opportunities for the locals, using artificial intelligence-powered platforms, are being launched by Swavalambi Bharat Abhiyan (SBA ), a groundbreaking ...

स्वदेशी को राष्ट्र की मुख्यधारा से जोड़ने वाले मदन दास देवी जी

मदन दास देवी, जिन्हें उनके अनुयायी, प्रषंसक और साथी मदन जी के रूप में संबोधित ...

2030 तक दुनिया की तीसरी बड़ी अर्थव्यवस्था होगी भारतः सतीश कुमार

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच के अखिल भारतीय सह-संगठक श्री सतीश कुमार ने कहा कि साल 2030 तक ...

De-dollarisation: India Explores Creating SWIFT Alternative

India’s ambitious plan to develop its own financing messaging system on the lines of Belgium-headquartered Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) will present the wo ...

मेक इन इंडिया नहीं, बल्कि मेक बाई इंडिया बनना हैः महाजन

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच के तत्वावधान में चामड़ गेट स्थित नई धर्मशाला में एक सेमिना ...

Globalization of India’s UPI is Blow to Western Payment Systems: Expert

PM Narendra Modi announced during an address to the Indian community in Paris that India and France have agreed to the usage of Unified Payments’ Interface (UPI) in Paris. The upcoming launch of ...

स्वावलंबन से बनेगा भारत बडी अर्थव्यवस्थाः सतीश कुमार

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच ने स्वावलंबी भारत अभियान के तहत देश में युवाओं को नौकरी मा ...

ईको सेंसिटिव जोन घोषित हो हिमालय 

विशेषज्ञों ने हिमालय को एक पर्यावरण-संवेदनशील क्षेत्र घोषित करने की मांग क ...

‘Those who participated in India’s growth story shouldn’t be targeted’: SJM

Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) that promotes self-reliance came forward in support of industrialist Gautam Adani in the wake of allegations by Hindenburg, a US-based investment research firm. S ...

Declare Himalayas eco sensitive zone, regulate big projects: SJM

Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM), said that several “overambitious” projects under execution in the Himalayas of Uttarakhand are causing irreversible damage to the State and its people and henc ...

Re-Impose cap on royalty payments by MNCs: SJM

Swadeshi Jagran Manch expressed its concern over issues regarding outflow of valuable foreign exchange in the name of royalty and technical fees by multinational corporations (MNCs). Referring to t ...

SJM seeks protectionist measures to counter China

India should raise tariffs to allow the domestic industry to thrive, while aiming to prevent the dumping of goods from China, Swadeshi Jagran Manch said. “We wish and expect for tariffs to go ...

Re-assess Char Dham rail project: SJM

The Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) called for a relook and re-assessment of the Char Dham railway project, describing mindless construction in the sensitive Himalayan region as the principal cause of sub ...

क्लाइमेंट चेंज को हमें गंभीरता से लेना चाहिए - प्रो. अश्वनी महाजन

माखनलाल चतुर्वेदी राष्ट्रीय पत्रकारिता एवं संचार विश्वविद्यालय के प्रबंध ...

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच ने खोला रोजगार सृजन केंद्र

युवा देश में उद्यमिता, स्वदेशी, सहकारिता की राह पर चलते हुए स्वरोजगार चला सक ...

‘युवा देश की आर्थिक प्रगति के सबसे बड़े इंजन’

भारत के युवा देश की आर्थिक प्रगति के सबसे बड़े इंजन है। हमें अपने युवाओं में क ...

युवाओं को स्वरोजगार के लिए मिलेगा मार्गदर्शनः डॉ. महाजन

स्वावलंबी भारत अभियान के तहत जेएनएस शासकीय स्नातकोत्तर महाविद्यालय शुजाल ...

डॉक्टरों ने जीएम सरसों को बताया पर्यावरण प्रतिरोधी

देशभर के 100 से अधिक डॉक्टरों ने जीएम सरसों को लेकर प्रधानमंत्री मोदी को पत्र ...

Experts Discuss Swadeshi Jagran Manch Seeking Higher Tax On Chinese Imports

With less than four weeks to go for the union budget, industry bodies and associations are busy making representations and recommendations to the finance ministry. The Swadeshi Jagran Manch which i ...

Encourage youths seeking govt help for self-employment: Dattatreya Hosabale

RSS Sarkaryavah Dattatreya Hosabale said the administrative officers should encourage and guide youths seeking government help for self-employment. A positive atmosphere favouring self employment shou ...

Why govt’s policy shift on GM crops may run into rough weather

The Union government’s green signal for genetically modified (GM) herbicide tolerant (HT) mustard, Dhara Mustard Hybrid-11 (DMH-11), buttressed by its statements in Parliament and the Supreme Co ...

भारत के युवा देश की आर्थिक प्रगति के सबसे बड़े इंजनः सतीश कुमार

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच के अखिल भारतीय सह-संगठक सतीश कुमार ने कहा कि कौशल-विकास के ...

जीएम सरसों के पौधों को उखाड़े जाने की उच्चतम न्यायालय से मांग

आनुवांशिक रूप से संवर्धित (जीएम) फसलों के खिलाफ अभियान चलाने वाले संगठनों की ...

FSSAI’s draft regulation on star rating of food items favour industry, demands revised norms: SJM

The Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) urged the Food Safety and Standards of India (FSSAI) to introduce revised norms on front-of-the-pack nutrition labelling, claiming the provisions in the draft regulatio ...

FSSAI proposed star-rating system misleading: Experts

The plan of the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) to introduce star ratings for packaged food has attracted sharp criticism from public health campaigners who dubbed the proposal as ...

GM mustard: Crop’s release would irreversibly damage the environment, SC told

The Supreme Court of India on November 30, 2022, heard arguments challenging the Centre’s go-ahead to environmental clearance for genetically modified (GM) mustard. There may be irreve ...

GM Mustard is ‘Dangerous’

The Bharatiya Kisan Sangh and Swadeshi Jagaran Manch (SJM) have appealed to the Government not to give nod to Genetically Modified (GM) Mustard and said the public authority ought to initially take a ...

ग्लाइफोसेट के आम उपयोग पर रोक जनहित मेंः स्वदेशी जागरण मंच

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच ने खर-पतवार नाशक ग्लाइफोसेट के उपयोग को प्रतिबंधित करने क ...

जीएम सरसों स्वदेशी नहींः स्वदेशी जागरण मंच

पर्यावरण, वन और जलवायु परिवर्तन मंत्रालय (एमओईएफ और सीसी) ने जेनेटिक इंजीनिय ...

2025 तक हर युवा को रोजगार का लक्ष्य

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच ने संगठन के विस्तार की योजना तय की है। मंच की ओर से ’स्वाव ...

वैश्विक भूख सूचकांक रिपोर्ट गैर-जिम्मेदाराना, शरारतपूर्ण

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच ने वैश्विक भूख सूचकांक रिपोर्ट-2022 को “गैर-जिम्मेदाराना औ ...

GM mustard neither Swadeshi nor safe: SJM

THE SANGH Parivar has opposed the move by a government committee to grant approval for field trials of genetically modified mustard, claiming it is “neither Swadeshi, nor safe”. Swade ...

रिश्वतखोरी ही है फ्रीबीज, इसे रोकने के लिए कानून चाहिएः डॉ. महाजन

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच के राष्ट्रीय सह-संयोजक डॉ. अश्वनी महाजन ने राजनीतिक दलों द ...

भारत में निर्मित वस्तुओं से ही आत्मनिर्भर होगा देशः स्वदेशी जागरण मंच

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच की ओर से स्वावलंबी भारत अभियान को लेकर संवाद का आयोजन किया ...

SJM Calls for Capping Entry Fee For Online Games

An influential Indian nationalist group will push for limits on entry fees for players of paid online games, potentially turning up the heat on a multi-billion-dollar industry that is preparing to lob ...

फ्री-बी संस्कृति के खिलाफ स्वदेशी का शंखनाद

कल्याण और छूट में अंतर है। कल्याण जहां एक विकासवादी धारणा है, वहीं छूट मुफ्त ...

स्थानीय स्तर पर स्व-रोजगार सृजन केंद्र शुरू करेगा मंच

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच स्वावलंबी भारत अभियान के अंतर्गत देशभर में स्थानीय स्तर ...

संगठित और सशक्त भारत के लिए आत्मनिर्भर होना जरूरीः सतीश कुमार

स्वावलंबन भारत में इस समय की बड़ी मांग है। भारत देश कई वर्षो पहले भी स्वावलंब ...

India and Russia join hands in digital payments war

The US’ move to bar Russia from the SWIFT international payment system could boomerang as several countries are now looking at expansion of alternative mechanisms. India and Russia are already i ...

SJM to work in 739 districts for entrepreneurship development

National co-organiser of Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) Satish Kumar said that it will work on entrepreneurship development in all 739 districts of the country. Addressing the media here on Thursday, ...

स्वरोजगार की ओर लौटे युवाः स्वदेशी जागरण मंच

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच के राष्ट्रीय सह संयोजक अरुण ओझा ने रांची में स्वावलंबी भा ...

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच छात्रों को सिखायेगा उद्यमिता का पाठ

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच द्वारा आयोजित कार्यक्रम में दिल्ली के कालेजों व स्कूलों ...

‘स्वावलंबी भारत-आत्मनिर्भर भारत’

विश्व कौशल दिवस के उपलक्ष्य में स्वदेशी जागरण मंच की जिला इकाई झाबुआ द्वारा ...

SJM organises panel discussion on ‘Entrepreneurshipin Barak Valley’

Under the Swabalambi Bharat Abhiyaan Movement started by Swadeshi Jagaran Mancha (SJM) on pan-India basis to promote entrepreneurship, CacharZila Committee of SJM in collaboration with Assam Universit ...

स्वावलंबी भारत अभियान यानि रोजगारयुक्त भारत

स्वावलंबी भारत अभियान के तत्वावधान में हरिदर्शन नगर में बैठक हुई। स्वदेशी ...

SJM urges WTO to protect interests of developing nations

The draft proposal on COVID-19 tools to be taken up at the WTO ministerial conference is not close to the real TRIPS waiver. This could set a dangerous precedent for access to medicines, the experts h ...

SJM Demands Tariff on E-transmission

As the World Trade Organization’s 12th ministerial conference began on Sunday in the Swiss town of Geneva, Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) has said India will be benefited from the tariff on e-trans ...

SJM targets Holcim-Adani deal; says sale must be taxed in India

Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) has suggested changes in the taxation laws on capital gains for taxing the gains on stock market transactions. Citing Holcim CEO Jan Jenisch’s recent statement t ...

स्वावलंबी भारत अभियान में युवाओं का महत्वपूर्ण योगदान

‘स्वालंबन भारत’ देश में इस समय की बड़ी मांग है। भारत देश कई वर्षों पहले भी ...

‘उद्यमिता विकास केंद्र’ शुरू करेगा स्वदेशी जागरण मंच

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच ने कहा कि वह देश के सभी 773 जिलों में ‘उद्यमिता विकास केंद् ...

SJM is asking for a fee on electronic transmission, claiming that India will benefit

The World Trade Organization’s 12th ministerial session began on Sunday in Geneva, Switzerland, with  Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) claiming that the tax on e-transmission will help India. ...

Amid geopolitical shifts, India must be secure & self-reliant in international digital payments: SJM

“Payment system is strategic now, given the current situation and sanctions against Russia. It is of utmost importance to have self reliance in payments system and we need to work towards that,& ...

स्वतंत्र व्यापार समझौतों का मूल्यांकन जरूरीः विशेषज्ञ

निर्यात के मोर्चे पर ऊंचा मुकाम हासिल करने के लक्ष्य को आगे कर भारत भागीदार ...

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच ने एमवे इंडिया कंपनी के खिलाफ ईडी की कार्रवाई का किया स्वागत

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच ने एमवे इंडिया कंपनी के खिलाफ प्रवर्तन निदेशालय - ईडी द्वा ...

भारत सीमा-शुल्क पर स्थगन जारी रखने का विरोध करेः एसजेएम

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच (एसजेएम) ने कहा कि इलेक्ट्रॉनिक ट्रांसमिशन पर सीमा शुल्क क ...

SJM Hails ED’s Action Against Amway India

Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) has welcomed the Enforcement Directorate’s (ED) action against Amway India Enterprises Private Limited, a company accused of running a multi-level marketing scam, and ...

ईश्वर दास महाजन जीः एक प्रेरक व्यक्तित्व

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच के प्रथम अखिल भारतीय कोष प्रमुख एवं दिल्ली प्रांत के संयो ...

सीमा-शुल्क पर स्थगन बहुत हानिकारकः एसजेएम

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच (एसजेएम) ने कहा है कि इलेक्ट्रॉनिक ट्रांसमिशन पर सीमा शुल् ...

स्वरोजगार से दूर होगी युवाओं की बेरोजगारी

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच द्वारा हिंदू नव वर्ष के अवसर पर ग्राम पोचानेर में सम्मान स ...

टेनसेंट के मालिक पोनी मा भारत में बीजीएमआई/पबजी प्रतिबंध विवाद में फंसे

भारत में पबजी/बीजीएमआई पर प्रतिबंध लगाने की मांग को लेकर चल रहे विवाद में शा ...

‘हानिप्रद चीजों पर हो सीधी चेतावनी, स्टार रेटिंग नहीं': स्वजामं

नुकसानदेह खाने-पीने की चीजों पर सीधी चेतावनी छापने की बजाए स्टार रेटिंग की व ...

NGO Asks Chinese Billionaire To Answer Questions On Alleged Links Of His Company With BGMI Game

Prahar, a non-government organisation, wrote an open letter to Chinese billionaire and founder of Tencent Holdings Pony Ma, posing 10 questions including on allegations pertaining to his company&rsquo ...

RSS plans to reach UP villages by 2025

The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in Uttar Pradesh, is now working on expanding to reach ll the villages in the state by 2025 and helping the government address the issue of unemployment. Ashok ...

WTO Working On Limited IPR Waiver For Covid Jabs

The World Trade Organisation (WTO) is working on a ‘compromise outcome’ that includes a limited and conditional waiver from certain intellectual property rights just for Covid-19 vaccines ...

‘Star ratings on food items not enough for informed choice’: SJM to FSSAI

Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) has raised questions on the FSSAI’s move to introduce ‘health star ratings’ on the front-pack-labels of food items, saying that the food safety regulator ...

डब्ल्यूटीओ की पेटेंट वार्ता पर प्रभावी परिणाम सुनिश्चित करे सरकारः स्वदेशी जागरण मंच

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच ने सरकार से कहा है कि वह विश्व व्यापार संगठन (डब्ल्यूटीओ) क ...

एयर इंडिया का सीईओ बनने से इल्कर आयसी का इनकार

तुर्की के नागरिक इल्केर आयजू ने भारतीय विमान कंपनी एयर इंडिया का एमडी और सीई ...

Why SJM opposed Ilker Ayci’s appointment as Air India CEO

Turkish national IlkerAyci has conveyed his inability to join the Tata Group-controlled Air India as its CEO following uproar over his appointment. Ayci, who as chairman of the Turkish Airlines betwee ...

TRIPS waiver should make improvement on existing flexibilities: SJM

SJM wrote a letter to Commerce Minister Piyush Goyal. “This has reference to a petition made by India and South Africa in the World Trade Organisation (WTO), under your able leadership in Octobe ...

केंद्रीय बजट विकासोन्मुखीः स्वदेशी जागरण मंच

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच ने कहा कि वित्त वर्ष 2022-23 का केंद्रीय बजट विकासोन्मुखी है, ल ...

बीड़ी पर कर कम करने की मांगः स्वदेशी जागरण मंच

तंबाकू उत्पादों पर कर बढ़ाने की मांग के बीच स्वेदशी जागरण मंच (एसजेएम) ने सरका ...

एफएसएसएआई से जारी जीएम फूड पर ड्राफ्ट वापस होः स्वजामं

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच ने एफएसएसएआई से अनुवांशिक रूप से संशोधित (जेनेटिकली मोडि ...

SJM voices concern over Budget’s ‘lack’ of push to employment

Swadeshi Jagran Manch voiced its concerns over “very limited efforts” unveiled in the Union Budget towards “creation of employment” and “promotion of small scale industry ...

SJM seeks ban on overseas listing of Indian startups

SJM has expressed concerns about the increasing trend among startups to register abroad, saying at least 29 Indian startups and entities like Flipkart have registered abroad. This according to them le ...

SJM asks FSSAI to withdraw draft regulations on GM foods

Swadeshi Jagran Manch on Saturday asked the FSSAI to withdraw its draft regulations on genetically modified foods, describing the food safety regulator’s proposals as a ‘’prescriptio ...

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच ने दी चीनी निवेश को डंप करने की सलाह

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच ने भारत-चीन सीमा पर जारी गतिरोध के बीच भारतीय उद्योगों को ...

क्रिप्टोकरेंसी पर पूर्ण प्रतिबंध चाहता है स्वदेशी जागरण मंच

भारत में क्रिप्टोकरेंसी पर जो भी आधिकारिक जानकारी है, उसके हिसाब से केंद्र स ...

विदेशी वस्तुओं पर निर्भरता कम कर स्वदेशी को अपनाओः डा. महाजन

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच का उद्देश्य विदेशी वस्तुओं पर निर्भरता कम कर स्वदेशी वस् ...

Swadeshi Jagran Manch Seeks Ban On Amazon And Flipkart For Anti-Competitive Practices

In another of its resolutions passed during the annual conclave held earlier, the Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) has demanded that the Indian government rescind the permissions that it has give ...

Swadeshi Jagran Manch calls for a ban on cryptocurrency trading

Swadeshi Jagran Manch passed a resolution requesting that the focal government totally boycott purchasing, selling, putting and in any case managing in digital currencies by any individual in the coun ...

Swadeshi Jagran Manch demands complete ban on use of glyphosate

Swadeshi Jagaran Manch on Saturday demanded a complete ban on the use of glyphosate, saying it is carcinogenic and damaging to consumer health, ecology and interests of farmers, farm workers and their ...

Swadeshi Jagran Manch bats for beedi industry, says wrong to club it with cigarettes

The Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) has backed beedi makers’ demand to exclude the product from proposed amendments to the cigarettes and other tobacco products Act of 2003. The governm ...

15th Rashtriya Sabha, Gwalior, (MP)

15th Rashtriya Sabha, Gwalior, (MP) ...

ग्लाइफोसेट पर प्रतिबंध की मांग 

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच ने 2,01,609 हस्ताक्षरों के साथ केंद्रीय कृषि और किसान कल्याण म ...

क्रिप्टो लेनदेन विनियमित करने पर कानून जरूरीः स्वजामं

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच ने कहा है कि सरकार को क्रिप्टोकरेंसी लेनदेन को विनियमित क ...

स्वरोजगार अपनाकर रोजगार सृजन के भागीदार बनें विद्यार्थी

चौधरी बंसी लाल विश्वविद्यालय में स्वदेशी जागरण मंच तथा प्रबंधन, वाणिज्य एव ...

SJM calls for regulation of cryptocurrency, says people’s interests should be protected

“Even Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself has also spoken on this subject and the committee is working on it,” he added. SJM said that all the stakeholders should talk about the subject ...

श्रद्धेय दत्तोपंत ठेंगड़ी की स्मृति में जारी हुआ डाक टिकट

भारतीय मजदूर संघ के संस्थापक दत्तोपंत ठेंगड़ी की 101वी जयंती के मौके पर केंद्र ...

महान चिंतक, दार्शनिक एवं समाज सुधारक दत्तोपंत ठेंगड़ी के विचारों की प्रासंगिकता

आज दुनिया के सामने पर्यावरण, आर्थिक असमानता, आतंकवाद जैसे संकट गहराते जा रहे ...

महिलाओं में जगाना होगा स्वदेशी का भावः कश्मीरी लाल

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच जैसलमेर की ओर से स्थानीय जगानी भवन में व्याख्यान का आयोजन ...

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच ने फूंका अमेजन कंपनी का पुतला

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच के क्षेत्र संयोजक डॉ. राजीव कुमार व प्रांत संयोजक अमितेश अ ...

अमेजॉन के खिलाफ स्वदेशी जागरण मंच का प्रदर्शन

विदेशी ई-कॉमर्स कंपनी अमेजॉन के विरुद्ध स्वेदशी जागरण मंच ने मोर्चा खोल दिय ...

वोकल फॉर लोकल से चीन को 50 हजार करोड़ रु. का झटका

प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी देशवासियों से स्वदेशी वस्तुओं के उपयोग को बढ़ावा ...

आत्मनिर्भर हरियाणा का संदेश देकर युवाओं को दिखाई स्टार्टअप की राह

गुरु जम्भेश्वर विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय के चौधरी रणबीर सिं ...

‘300 years ago there was no unemployment in our country’

A meet of Swadeshi Jagran Manch started at the Madhavseva Nyas Bharat Mata Mandir at 11 am on 28 August 2021. In his address Mahamandaleshwar Acharya Shekhar said that the Swadeshi movement owes its b ...

पेटेंट मुक्त टीकों एवं दवाइयों के लिए स्वजाम का वैश्विक अभियान

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच (स्वजाम) ने कहा कि उसने पेटेंट मुक्त दवा के वास्ते दबाव बना ...

बौद्धिक संपदा अधिकार समझौते पर अविलंब छूट दे डब्ल्यूटीओ : मंच

विश्व व्यापार संगठन बौद्धिक संपदा अधिकार समझौते के प्रावधानों के तहत अविलं ...

COVID-19: SJM demands patent waiver for vaccines, medicines

Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) has urged the World Trade Organization (WTO) to relax the provisions of its Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement for patent free access to manufactu ...

 SJM wants WTO to relax provisions for patent free access to make vaccines

The Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM), has urged the World Trade Organization (WTO) to relax the provisions of its Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement for patent free access to manu ...

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच आयोजित करेगा 20 जून को ‘विश्व जागृति दिवस’ 

पूरे विश्व में 20 जून 2021 को सुबह 11 बजे स्वदेशी जागरण मंच द्वारा कोविड वैक्सीन क ...

पेटेंट मुक्त हो कोरोना का टीकाः स्वदेशी जागरण मंच 

कोरोना टीका को पेटेंट मुक्त करने के स्वदेशी जागरण मंच के अभियान को अंतरराष् ...

वंचितों को मिले आर्थिक सहायता, मनरेगा का कोष भी बढ़ेः स्व.जा.मं.

 स्वदेशी जागरण मंच ने सरकार को सुझाव दिया है कि वह अपनी ग्रामीण रोजगार गारं ...

SJM declares June 20 as ‘Vishav Jagriti Divas’

SJM has declared June 20 as ‘Vishav Jagriti Divas’ (Awareness Day) for ‘Patent Free Vaccine and Medicines’. On this occasion more than 2000 programmes will be organized in ever ...

SJM seeks EU’s support for waiver of TRIPS

The Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) has urged the European Union to unconditionally support the proposal for Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) waiver at the WTO and constructively engage ...

रेमडेसिविर की कीमत पर लगाया जाए नियंत्रणः स्व.जा.मं

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच ने रेमडेसिविर और अन्य जीवन रक्षक दवाइयों के दामों पर अंकु ...

बिल गेट्स के खिलाफ स्वदेशी जागरण मंच का प्रदर्शन

माइक्रोसॉफ्ट के संस्थापक और पूर्व अमेरिकन बिजनेसमैन बिल गेट्स के (बिल मिलि ...

कोविड-19 टीके की कीमतों पर नियंत्रण करे सरकारः एसजेएम

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच (एसजेएम) ने कोविशील्ड और कोवैक्सीन टीकों की कीमतों का जिक् ...

SJM protests against Bill Gates

Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) organised online and offline protests against Microsoft founder Bill Gates and Bill Melinda Gates Foundation. The protest was organised against Bill Gates’ reported s ...

SJM calls for cheaper drugs, higher vaccine production

Swadeshi Jagran Manch has asked the government to take immediate steps to increase the production of Covid-19 vaccines by allowing more companies to manufacture them. It has sought a reduction in the ...

स्वदेशी अपनाकर चीन को टक्कर दे रहे भारतवासीः कश्मीरी लाल

देवबंद में स्वदेशी जागरण मंच के तत्वावधान में रणखंडी रोड स्थित एक सभागार मे ...

निजीकरण की नहीं, प्रोफेशनल प्रबंधन की दरकारः डॉ. महाजन

बैंकों के निजीकरण को कठघरे में खड़ा करते हुए स्वदेशी जागरण मंच के राष्ट्रीय स ...

किसानों को गुमराह कर रहा विपक्षः कश्मीरी लाल

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच (सिद्वार्थ नगर, उ.प्र.) के तत्वावधान में किसान सम्मेलन का आय ...

पढ़ाई के साथ कमाई से बनेगा आत्मनिर्भर हरियाणाः सतीश

जेसी बोस विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय ने स्वदेशी जागरण मंच के सं ...

जैविक खेती से समृद्ध होगा देश : स्वदेशी जागरण मंच

बरहज क्षेत्र के ग्राम कटियारी में स्वदेशी जागरण मंच की तरफ से किसान सम्मेलन ...

SJM opposes disinvestment in PSUs, urges Govt to reconsider

The Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM), which pitches for swadeshi or indigenous production, has strongly opposed the Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s proposals on disinvestment in PSUs, privatiza ...

No random sale of family silver: FM Nirmala Sitharaman

Amid strong opposition from the RSS affiliate Swadeshi Jagran Manch and opposition parties, Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Sunday justified the proposed disinvestment in public sector un ...

SJM wants govt to ‘reconsider’ disinvestment push, flags FDI rise in insurance too

Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) congratulated Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman for presenting a Budget that “will help revive the economy” from the Covid-19 hit but raised concern ...

स्वदेशी का अर्थ बैलगाड़ी के युग में जाना नहीं है : महाजन

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच का आह्वान ’स्वदेशी अपनाओ विदेशी भगाओ’ इस अर्थ में नहीं ...

विनिवेश के फैसले पर पुनर्विचार होः स्वदेशी जागरण मंच

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच ने बजट में सरकारी कंपनियों बीपीसीएल, एअर इंडिया, शिपिंग कॉ ...

आत्मनिर्भर हरियाणा के लिए कालेजों में बनेंगी कमेटियां : प्रो. सचदेवा

एसडी पीजी कालेज में कुरुक्षेत्र विश्वविद्यालय, स्वदेशी स्वावलंबन न्यास एव ...

बजट पूर्व चर्चा 

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच द्वारा “बजट पूर्व चर्चा” हरियाणा भवन, मंडी हाउस, नई दिल ...

स्वदेशी के प्रयोग से विश्व की आर्थिक शक्ति बना सकता है भारत

हम सब स्वदेशी वस्तुओं का प्रयोग कर राष्ट्र को विश्व की प्रमुख आर्थिक शक्ति ब ...

भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था का मूल है स्वदेशी-स्वाबलंबन : दुबोलिया  

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच जिला शिवपुरी की बैठक शहर के एसपीएस स्कूल के पास आयोजित हुई ...

चीनी कंपनी को दिए ठेके को रद्द करने की मांग 

सीमा पर आक्रामक रुख दिखा रहे चीन की एक कंपनी को दिल्ली-मेरठ आरआरटीएस परियोजन ...

बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियां देश में चोर दरवाजे से करना चाहती हैं प्रवेश

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच के क्षेत्रीय संयोजक डॉ राजीव कुमार ने कहा कि भारतीय खुदरा ...

SJM wades into Sci-Hub row, urges govt to ensure access to books, articles online

The national convenor of the Swadeshi Jagran Manch, Dr. Ashwani Mahajan, has urged the Modi government to ensure that researchers continue to have access to books and articles. He was reacting to t ...

SJM backs CAIT 

The complaints have the backing of the Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM).  “We have been demanding, since the entry of Amazon and Flipkart, that the government should ensure a level-playing fi ...

खुदरा बाजार में रिलायंस का एकाधिकार चिंताजनकः स्वदेशी जागरण मंच

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच (एसजेसम) ने चिंता जताई है कि रिलायंस इंडस्ट्रीज का रिटेल म ...

स्वदेशी के उपयोग से ही भारत बनेगा आत्मनिर्भरः सुंदरम

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच के राष्ट्रीय संयोजक आर. सुंदरम ने कार्यकर्ताओं से कहा कि ल ...

आत्मनिर्भरता के लिए सभी का सहयोग आवश्यकः कश्मीरी लाल

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच (चाईबासा) की बैठक जिला संयोजक रामावतार राम रवि की अध्यक्षत ...

Swadeshi Jagran Manch alleges ‘nexus’ in retail trade

The Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) on December 13 demanded that the government not allow a “nexus” of multinational companies and large Indian business houses such as Reliance Industries to d ...

Purchases below MSP should be declared illegal: SJM

Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) has suggested the government to amend the farm laws to overcome drawbacks and plug the shortcomings. The outfit in a statement said that the farm laws enacted by the Modi g ...

SJM picks holes in Centre’ three farm laws

Swadeshi Jagran Manch, has warned the Narendra Modi government of “monopolistic” situation in Indian markets “where a single party will not only be able to exploit suppliers and farm ...

Exit from China-LED RCEP may temporarily help 

For now, it appears to be a right decision on India's part to opt out of the China-led 15-nation Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement to protect the country's immediate ...

Swadeshi Lobby Demands 7-Day Ban On Amazon, Flipkart For Flouting Country of Origin Rule

Unhappy with the paltry amount of penalty levied by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs (MCA) on Amazon India, for not providing the details of ‘country of origin’ of products displayed on it ...

एलवीबी और डीबीएस के विलय प्रस्ताव पर मंच ने भी उठाए सवाल

निजी क्षेत्र के लक्ष्मी विलास बैंक (एलवीबी) का सिंगापुर मूल के भारत स्थित डी ...

ठेंगड़ी जी के जन्मशताब्दी समारोह का आयोजन

राष्ट्रऋषि दत्तोपंत ठेंगडी जी जन्मशताब्दी समापन समारोह का आयोजन स्वदेशी ज ...

जीएम फसल से तैयार उत्पादों के आयात पर लगे रोकः एसजेएम

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच (एसजेएम) ने खाद्य सुरक्षा और मानक प्राधिकरण (एफएसएसएआई) से ...

दत्तोपंत ठेंगड़ी का सपना साकार होने की ओरः कश्मीरी लाल

विदेशी सामान के बहिष्कार की भावना शहर, देहात के मोहल्लों और गांवों में जागृत ...

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच के स्थापना दिवस पर स्वदेशी अपनाने का आह्वान

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच (बागपत) ने श्री नर्मदेश्वर महादेव मंदिर में यज्ञ का आयोजन ...

Dattopant Thengadi — activist MP from RSS who shaped ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ idea decades ago

The Narendra Modi government has chosen the ‘Swadeshi’ route with its Atmanirbhar Bharat programme to revive the Indian economy hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic. But the guiding philos ...

Proposed LVB-DBS Merger Falls Foul Of PM's Atmanirbhar Bharat Goal: SJM

Swadeshi Jagran Manch requested the Reserve Bank of India to re-examine the proposed amalgamation of the Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd. with the DBS Bank India Ltd. DBIL is a wholly-owned subsidiary of DBS B ...

PM remembers visionary RSS ideologue Dattopant Thengadi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi remembered Dattopant Thengadi, a visionary architect, who created mass organisations like Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh, Bharatiya Kisan Sangh and Swadeshi Jagaran Manch, on the ...

Pollution primarily caused by Chinese firecrackers; avoid ban on locally made crackers: SJM 

Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) said illegally imported firecrackers from China primarily cause pollution and urged state governments to avoid banning “less polluting” green crackers made in I ...

SJM opposes blanket ban on firecrackers in Diwali

The Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) has strongly opposed a complete ban on firecrackers. The SJM said it has to be understood that till now the pollution caused by firecrackers was primarily due to illega ...

EU files antitrust charges against Amazon over use of data

European Union regulators have filed antitrust charges against Amazon, accusing the e-commerce giant of using data to gain an unfair advantage over merchants using its platform. The EU’s exec ...

मंच का सुझाव, एमएसपी गारंटी बिल लाए केंद्र

किसान बिलों को लेकर हो रहे भारी विरोध के बीच स्वदेशी जागरण मंच ने सरकार को सु ...

स्वदेशी से ही सफलता संभवः सतीश कुमार

पंजाब केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालय के कुलपति प्रो. राघवेंद्र पी तिवारी के संरक्ष ...

Swadeshi Jagaran Manch flags need to protect farmers, have ‘Farmers court’

Even as the NDA government’s farm bills triage continues being met with strong protest by opposition parties as well as farmer groups, Swadeshi Jagaran Manch (SJM) has asked for assured MSP for ...

SJM backs India on waiver of intellectual property provisions

The Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) has welcomed India’s proposal to the World Trade Organization (WTO) seeking the waiver of certain provisions related to the protection and enforcement of intellec ...

SJM join farm bill chorus, want MSP for farmers in open market too

As the Modi government’s farm bills continue to stoke controversy, two affiliates of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) have sought assured MSP for farmers, saying it should also be ...

SJM asks govt to revoke Remdesivir's patent

Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) has asked the government to revoke the patent granted to Gilead Sciences for Remdesivir, a crucial medicine used in the treatment of Covid-19, so that it becomes more affor ...

कृषि विधेयकों पर स्वदेशी जागरण मंच का अभिमत

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच की स्पष्ट मान्यता है कि नवीन कृषि विधेयकों को लाने में सरक ...

बीटी बैंगन को लेकर स्वजामं ने पीएम मोदी को लिखा पत्र

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच ने प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी को पत्र लिखकर बीटी बैंगन के ...

स्वदेशी अपनाकर कम की जा सकती है बेरोजगारीः सतीश

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच के राष्ट्रीय सह संगठक सतीश ने कहा कि कोरोना महामारी के कार ...

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच ने की ग्लाइफोसेट पर प्रतिबंध की मांग

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच ने खर-पतवारनाशक ग्लाइफोसेट के उपयोग पर प्रतिबंध की मांग क ...

SJM asks PM Modi to revisit definition of ‘Indian vendor’ in defence industry

Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) has asked Narendra Modi government to tighten the definition of ‘Indian vendor’ to permit only those companies that are majority owned and controlled by Indian ...

SJM demands ‘complete ban’ on Glyphosate

The Swadeshi Jagran Manch, for the second time in less than 15 days, has demanded a complete ban on Glyphosate, which it holds largely responsible for causing cancer. SJM cited findings of pesticide e ...

Vivo quits as IPL’s title sponsor a day after Swadeshi Jagran Manch raises objection

Chinese mobile brand Vivo withdrew as the title sponsor of the Indian Premier League, a day after Swadeshi Jagran Manch expressed strong reservations to the BCCI continuing its ties with the Chinese c ...

SJM demands complete ban on use of Glyphosate

Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) has demanded a complete ban on the use of Glyphosate in India, claiming that the herbicide is subject of thousands of litigations in the United States courts “primari ...

SJM opposes India-US trade deal in present form

Swadeshi Jagran Manch has opposed the proposed India-US trade deal in its current form stating that New Delhi can’t meet Washington’s asks on e-commerce, data flows, dairy and patents. &ld ...

स्वदेशी अपनाना वक्त की मांग-कश्मीरी लाल

चीन से सीमा पर तनातनी के बाद स्वदेशी अपनाने की मुहिम एक बार फिर तेज हो गई है। ...

चीनी कंपनियों को भारत में टेंडर न भरने दिया जाएः स्वजामं

चीन के साथ हिंसक झड़प में 20 भारतीय सैनिकों के शहीद होने के बाद देष में चीन के खि ...

लोगों के बीच स्वदेशी की अलख जगाने में जुटा स्वदेशी जागरण मंच

स्वदेशी जागरण मंच (एसजेएम) ने स्वदेशी वस्तुओं को अपनाने, उसे प्रयोग करने और च ...

SJM says attempts to cut imports from China are visible

Swadeshi Jagaran Manch (SJM), the organisation that is at the forefront of the call to end India's dependence on Chinese imports by strengthening local manufacturing, says India has already demons ...

SJM welcome banning of 59 Chinese apps

After the Indian government’s decision to ban 59 Chinese apps for ‘engaging in activities which are prejudicial to sovereignty and integrity of India, defence of India, security of state a ...

SJM gets support from over 13 lakh people for its boycott Chinese goods campaign

Swadeshi Jagran Manch’s (SJM) digital signature campaign aimed at supporting Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ vision and boycotting of Chinese goods has rece ...

Let our venture capitalists swap investment made by China in Indian startups: SJM

Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) urged the Indian venture capitalists and industrialists to come forward and swap the Chinese investment in companies like Paytm. According to SJM national co-convenor As ...

Swadeshi Jagran Manch Renews Demand For An Economic Boycott Of China And Chinese Products

Following the violent clash between Indian and Chinese troops in Galwan valley yesterday night (15 June), Swadeshi Jagran Manch renewed the demand for an economic boycott of China and Chinese products ...

दत्तोपंत ठेंगड़ी दृष्टा और सृष्टा

एक के बाद एक संगठन निर्माण करना, राष्ट्रहित में उन संगठनों और कार्यकर्ताओं क ...

PepsiCo wants to 'amicably settle' issue of suing four farmers; coercing, intimidating farmers says Swadeshi Jagran Manch

An influential Hindu nationalist group with close ties to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has accused PepsiCo Inc of coercing four Indian farmers who have been ...

SJM wants fresh cooked food to fight malnutrition in kids

New Delhi, Aug 23 (PTI) Swadeshi Jagaran Manch (SJM), an economic wing of the RSS, today urged the Centre to frame a "clear policy" to promote use of fresh cooked food instead of ready-to-us ...

GM crop: Biotech regulators� career paths show conflicts of interest

Several officials who sit on India’s biotech regulator, which is preparing to take a decision on genetically modified mustard, are also associated with global organisations that lobby for GM cro ...

David Walker to chair WTO agriculture talks

Ambassador David Walker of New Zealand been appointed as the new Chairperson of the Special Session of the Committee on Agriculture, which oversees the agriculture negotiations at the WTO. Ambassador ...

State agriculture department to file cases against five seed and fertiliser companies

The Maharashtra state agriculture department has decided to take action against five companies for not keeping their word of supplying the required seeds and fertilisers. It will be filing a case agai ...

UPA government wins FDI vote in Rajya Sabha

Getting support once again from the unlikely combination of Mulayam Singh Yadav's Samajwadi Party (SP) and Mayawati's Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP), the government won the day in the Rajya Sabha b ...

Storm in Rajya Sabha over Wal-Mart lobbying disclosure; BJP seeks probe

There was uproar in the Rajya Sabha over the reported disclosure that Wal-Mart spent Rs 125 crore on lobbying to enter the Indian market. Raising the issue in the Upper House, the BJP members deman ...

Can our govt stand up to Walmart?

As multilateral negotiations have paused, multi-national corporates have increasingly become aggressive; and our bureaucrats restless. There is strong evidence that rural communities in the United ...

World Bank appoints Kaushik Basu as chief economist

The World Bank has named Kaushik Basu, a Cornell University professor and former Indian official, as the institution's new chief economist and senior vice president. Basu, an Indian national, m ...

FDI debate in Lok Sabha today

The Lok Sabha will take up the discussion on FDI in retail Today. With voting on FDI in retail becoming a crucial issue in Parliament, BJP and Congress are leaving no stone unturned to muster their ...

Congress MPs from Telangana boycott party meeting on FDI

Keeping Congress on tenterhooks on their strategy during the crucial FDI vote on Wednesday, eight party MPs from Telangana region in Andhra Pradesh boycotted a meeting called by party floor leaders in ...

Do not sacrifice nation�s interests for FDI, says Joshi

Senior BJP leader Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi ruthlessly criticised the government in the Lok Sabha for paving the way for the entry of retail giants by allowing up to 51 per cent Foreign Direct Investmen ...

SEZs May Get More Time to Start Projects

The board of approval (BoA) for special economic zones (SEZs) has entrusted its chairman, commerce secretary GK Pillai, to give more time to cash-strapped developers of SEZ projects beyond the three-y ...

Fresh SEZ proposals to be considered by new govt

The Commerce Ministry has received about 18 proposals for setting up special economic zones, which are likely to be considered by an empowered board after the new government assumes office later this ...

Slowdown blues for SEZs

With slowdown in economic activities, scores of leading SEZ promoters, including Infosys, Hindalco and NIIT, have been given extension by the Commerce Ministry for developing the tax-free enclaves. Ho ...

RIL told to approach SC on SEZ land buy

The Bombay High Court on Friday dismissed Mukesh Ambani-promoted Mumbai SEZ’s plea for speedy completion of the land acquisition process and asked the company to approach the Supreme Court becau ...

Our kiranas deserve better, including a ministry of their own

Trade, with a GDP share of 15.1%, only slightly less than manufacturing at 15.6%, is an important segment of the economy. More than 125 lakh kirana stores provide a source of livelihood to 16 crore ...

Forget small retailers, can our govt stand up to Walmart?

As multilateral negotiations have paused, multi-national corporates have increasingly become aggressive; and our bureaucrats restless. There is strong evidence that rural communities in the United ...

Centre Approves 91 SEZs

The Centre has approved in principle 91 SEZs for Andhra Pradesh, the highest in the country, Andhra Pradesh Major Industries Minister Dr Geetha Reddy said on Wednesday. She told reporters here that ...

SEZs Get Nod To Prune Area

Six major SEZs have clipped the size of their projects, foregoing potential tax gains for them. The developers have got the commerce ministry nod to de-notify parts of their tax-free enclaves for bett ...

Government Backs Orange Realty's Subsidiary Plan in India

The Government has allowed Orange Realty to set up a wholly owned subsidiary in India. The company has already received Rs 2,051 crore from IREO Investment Holding III, a Mauritius-based fund focused ...

Lucrative SEZ Power Projects

New guidelines issued by the commerce ministry have made setting up of power plants within Special Economic Zones (SEZs) more lucrative than outside. The guidelines, which cover both stand-alone elect ...

Rise in trade restrictions now �alarming�, Lamy tells WTO ambassadors

For the first time since the WTO started monitoring the protectionist reaction to the financial crisis in 2008, the scale of trade restrictions is a cause for “serious concern”, Director-G ...

Thiruvantharam Resolution-2

It is disconcerting to hear what has happened at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) ministerial meet at Bali. The government of India has compromised the interest of India, both of its farmers as well ...

India offers to waive off visa fees to LDCs at WTO meet

PTI: India has made substantial offers like waiving off visa fees, granting market access and technical assistance to service providers from poor nations, showing its resolve to support the Least Deve ...

An Intellectual Loss

In 1956, after Soviet tanks rolled into Budapest and crushed the democracy movement in Hungary, Communist parties of Western Europe lost nearly one-third of their members. The exodus of those outraged ...

Scrap All SEZs, Says Goa Govt In Letter To Centre

In yet another sign that the Goa Government's U-turn over Special Economic Zones is more about political expediency than socio-economic rationale, the state on Tuesday wrote to the Centre saying t ...

China Initiates Case Against EU Solar Subsidies With the WTO

China initiated World Trade Organization proceedings to seek a ruling on whether some European Union nations violated global commerce rules through their green energy programs. China has begun WTO ...

U.S. challenges Thailand to explain rice subsidies

The United States will challengeThailand over its rice subsidies at a World Trade Organization committee meeting next week, fearful that a government-sponsored crop could land up on the world market a ...

Next WTO head will not be European

The next head of the World Trade Organization will certainly come from somewhere other than Europe, EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht said . Pascal Lamy, a French national who has served two fou ...

WTO rules Ontario green energy tariff unfair

WTO appears to have upheld a complaint against the Province of Ontario’s green energy program. The complaint was made by the EU and Japan, which claim the province's "feed-in tariff& ...

India�s tough stand on Food Security in WTO gets support from UN body

Supporting India’s tough stand at WTO on the food security issue, UN body for development of agriculture IFAD has said ensuring food for its people is more important than creating jobs in certai ...

L&T, BEL consortia set to get Rs 40,000-crore project

The NDA government is poised to award its first 'make' contract, in which the Ministry of Defence (MoD) will fund two Indian consortia in developing a Rs 40,000-50-000 crore 'battlefield m ...

Chaos as officials mislead, local credit keeps markets alive;

India economy has been the pride of world. It has been showcased as the only growing economy - a proud moment for Indians particularly under Prime Minister Narendra Modi. That was until a week back ...

The contrasting tale of two sons-in-law

Gurunath is in police custody for an offence that is yet to be made clear and his father-in-law is fighting to save his seat as chairman of the prestigious BCCI. But Vadra still walks like the Preside ...

Success Story of KVIC

A Record year for KVIC: Rs 10193.34 Crores Turnover, 14.39 % Growth and 66.45 lakhs New Jobs The Soft Hearted Giant  KVIC has now beaten the best among the consumer giants in size and proved ...

Say No To Rupee Convertibility

Government of India is proceeding step-by-step toward making the rupee fully convertible into foreign currencies. That would make it possible for Indian citizens to buy dollars for capital investment ...

Economic patriotism and techno-nationalism needed

India should pursue policies of economic patriotism and techno-nationalism, as otherwise the country will face a very bleak future, Pro Vice-chancellor of the Pacific Academy Higher Education and Rese ...

Tax Reforms to Lubricate Economy

The economy is in shambles and there is no prescription to revive it. While inflation is robbing people of their power to purchase, high taxes are rubbing salt to the injury. It is time India takes a ...

Micromanaging the Economy

The problem of our economy is that consumers are not consuming, borrowers are not borrowing, lenders are not lending and investors are not investing, explains MR Venkatesh Imagine for a moment ...

Rajan pitches for raising I-T savings limit beyond Rs 1.5L

MUMBAI: Days ahead of the Budget, Reserve Bank governor Raghuram Rajan on Wednesday pitched for increasing the tax exemption limit on financial investments by individuals from Rs 1.5 lakh a year. ...

Create opportunities first

Development of capacities in an environment of shrinking opportunities acts like fuel in fire. The competition among the unemployed for the limited number of jobs becomes more intense, explains D ...


Economic slowdown has taken a heavy toll on jobs in most Asian nations -- including India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Philippines and Indonesia -- with youth unemployment rising over 10% during 2013, Intern ...

Improve the use of tax money

Prime Minister Narendra Modi deserves thumping congratulations for demonetizing notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 denominations. This will hit hard at the fake note rackets being run by terrorists, and the ...

Amul cautions government on proposed EU-India FTA

Asks ministry to keep interests of farmers in mind during negotiations In the context of ongoing discussions between India and the European Union (EU) countries for a proposed Free TradeAgreement (FT ...

Rupee falls to a new record low of 58.64 against dollar

The rupee fell to a new record low of 58.64 versus the US Dollar . On Monday, the rupee sank 110 paise at a life-time low of 58.15 against the dollar hurt by outflows of the American currency and weak ...

Don't follow MNC-promoted GM crop science blindly

According to Dr Ashwani Mahajan, national convenor of the Swadeshi Jagaran Manch, those who oppose GM crops field trials are not opposing science. In an interview with Yojna Gusai and Mukesh Ranjan, D ...

Sangh affiliate Swadeshi Jagran Manch opposes GM mustard

Swadeshi Jagran Manch, an affiliate of the Sangh Parivar, has asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi to withdraw the permission given in "undue haste" to cultivate GM Mustard crop, insisting tha ...

Despite economic boom, India's job growth has shrunk

Raising questions over the government's slogan of inclusive growth, an official report has said the rate at which new jobs were added to India's labour force had declined between 1993 and 2005 ...

Time to Consign GM Crops to Wastebasket

The Centre has done well to clarify that a final decision on allowing field trials of genetically modified crops will be taken only after a due consultative process. Fears about an imminent approval h ...

धन संग्रह अपील

A/c Name: Swadeshi Jagaran Foundation A/c No: 602510110012706 IFSC Code: BKID0006025  BANK OF INDIA  Branch: Malai Mandir, New Delhi ...

Rojgar Guarantee Programme is not sustainable

Dr Bharat Jhunjhunwala The success of the Congress in the recent elections is attributable in part, at least, to the Rojgar Guarantee Program-NREGA. Poor people have certainly got relief by getting ...

Demand carbon tax at Copenhagen

Dr Bharat Jhunjhunwala Leaders of the world including Man Mohan Singh, Wen Jiabao and Barak Obama will assemble in Copenhagen later this week to try to work out an agreement on controlling carbon e ...

Has Indian economy decoupled?

Decline of America and rise of India Dr Bharat Jhunjhunwala The Indian stock markets had crashed in 2008 along with deepening of recession in the United States. This seems to indicate that fate ...

Copenhagen accord an attempt to jettison the Kyoto Protocol and Bali Action Plan

Copenhagen accord an attempt to jettison the Kyoto Protocol and Bali Action Plan Insisting that the Copenhagen accord was reached to the satisfaction of all concerned, government today told the Raj ...

Make way for automatic compulsory licence: SJM

Swadeshi Jagran Manch welcomes central government’s decision, not to relax provisions relating to the issue of compulsory licensing and section 3 (d) of Patent Act relating to not granting re-pa ...

Commercial Production of GM Mustard

To Sh. Prakash Javdekar Minister of Environment & Forest Govt. of India, New Delhi Subject: Commercial Production of GM Mustard Respected Javdekar ji. You are well aware of the co ...

Good Black Money, Bad Black Money

Black money is unquestionably harmful for the economy. It is used more for luxury and conspicuous consumption. It is sent away to foreign banks. Tax is not paid by businesses on these activities. T ...

Approval of field trials of GM food crops - A betrayal of people's trust

Swadeshi Jagran Manch has received the news reports of approval of field trials of GM food crops by Genetically Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC), under the Union Ministry of Environment & For ...

Minister assures SJM that decision on GM Crops is being put on hold

Representatives of Swadeshi Jagran Manch and Bhartiya Kissan Sangh met Minister of Environment & Forests today, 29 July 2014, on the issue of field trials of GM Crops. Minister was apprised about ...

Put on hold the decision to ease FDI norms, demands SJM

Swadeshi Jagran Manch expresses its deep anguish over the central government's decision to ease FDI norms in almost all major sectors of the economy, including defence, plantation, broadcasting, s ...

Withdraw hasty and illegal clearance to GM Field trials

Swadeshi Jagaran Manch strongly condemns the hasty illegal and anti-people decision to allow field trials of more than 200 transgenic varieties of various crops including rice, wheat and maize; disreg ...

Pre-Budget Discussion

When Finance Minister (FM) of the last government presented his interim budget 2014-15, he himself had conceded that economy was not keeping good health. We find that in the last nearly three years, e ...

Protect National Interests in Bali, WTO Conference

From the experience in the last 18 years after the constitution of WTO, it is clear that it is a disastrous system for the world at large. Problems of the people of both developing & developed cou ...

Stop Anti-National Move to Increase Dominance of Foreigners in Defence & Telecom

Swadeshi Jagaran Manch strongly condemns government’s move to increase the FDI limit in the telecom sector to 100 percent, as this move will not only kill domestic telecom sector, but even expos ...