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शिक्षित वर्ग में कुल प्रजनन दर में चिंताजनक गिरावट (Resolution-1, NCM, Lucknow, UP, 28-30 June 24)

जनसांख्यिकी सिद्धांतों के अनुसार, यदि कुल प्रजनन दर 2.1 से नीचे गिरती है, तो भव ...

भारत@2047ः समृद्ध एवं महान भारत (Resolution-2, NCM, Lucknow, UP, 28-30 June 24)

2047 में भारत के स्वतंत्रता की 100वीं वर्षगांठ के निकट आते हुए, ‘भारत @2047ः समृद्ध ...

Worrying declining total fertility rate (TFR) amongst the educated class (Resolution-1, NCM, Lucknow, UP, 28-30 June 24)

According to demographic theories, if the total fertility rate falls below 2.1 then the population in the country will start decreasing in future. By Total Fertility Rate (TFR) we mean the average num ...

Bharat@2047: Prosperous and Great India (Resolution-2, NCM, Lucknow, UP, 28-30 June 24)

As India nears the 100th anniversary of its independence, the vision of "India @2047: Prosperous and Great India" seeks to create a nation characterized by comprehensive development and glob ...

विश्व व्यापार संगठन में राष्ट्रीय हितों की रक्षा हो  (Resolution-1, NCM, Nagpur, 4-5 June 2022)

विश्व व्यापार संगठन का 12वां मंत्रिस्तरीय सम्मेलन 12 जून से 15 जून, 2022 तक जिनेवा, ...

वैश्विक उथल-पुथल, मंहगाई और भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था के लिए आगे की चुनौतियाँ (Resolution-2, NCM, Nagpur, 4-5 June 2022)

रूस-यूक्रेन युद्ध से उत्पन्न भू-राजनीतिक तनाव और पूर्ववर्ती कोविड संकट के स ...

Global Turmoil and the Challenges Ahead for Indian Economy (Resolution-2, NCM, Nagpur)

The whole World is passing through the severe pains of slower growth and high inflation due to geo-political tension arising out of Russia-Ukraine War and the disruption in the supply chains coupled w ...

Need to protect national interests in WTO (Resolution-1, NCM, Nagpur)

The 12th Ministerial Conference of world Trade Organisation is being held from 12th June to 15th June, 2022 at Geneva, Switzerland. Among many issues under discussion, four issues which will attract f ...

Resolution-1-H (15th Rashtriya Sabha, Gwalior (MP))

पर्यावरण पर्यावरण की व्यापक परिभाषा हम सभी के लिए सामान्य भौतिक परिवेष है, ...

Resolution-2-H (15th Rashtriya Sabha, Gwalior (MP))

प्रौद्योगिकी हाँ, क्रिप्टो ना हाल  ही में, सरकार ने ’क्रिप्टो मुद्रा और ...

Resolution-3-H (15th Rashtriya Sabha, Gwalior (MP))

अमेजन फ्लिपकार्ड-वालमार्ट को भारत में संचालित करने की अनुमति वापस लें बहु- ...

स्वावलंबी भारत अभियान ‘संकल्प पत्र’

पिछले 30 वर्षों की वैश्वीकरण की नीतियों के अत्यंत सकल घरेलू उत्पाद की वृद्धि ...

Resolution-1 (15th Rashtriya Sabha, Gwalior (MP))

Swadeshi Jagran Manch 15th Rashtriya Sabha, Gwalior (24-26 December 2021)   Resolution-1 Environment Environment broadly implies physical surroundings common to all of us, inclu ...

Resolution-2 (15th Rashtriya Sabha, Gwalior (MP))

Swadeshi Jagran Manch 15th Rashtriya Sabha, Gwalior (24-26 December 2021)   Resolution-2 Technology Yes, Crypto No Recently, the government has announced the introduction of  ...

Resolution-3 (15th Rashtriya Sabha, Gwalior (MP))

Swadeshi Jagran Manch 15th Rashtriya Sabha, Gwalior (24-26 December 2021)   Resolution-3 Withdraw Permissions to Amazon, FlipKart-Walmart to Operate in Bharat Foreign Direct Inv ...

Swavlambi Bharat Abhiyan 'Sankalp Patra'

The policies of globalization of the last 30 years have led to an increase in GDP, but it has not resulted into creation of employment opportunities proportionately. Hence the GDP growth of this perio ...

प्रस्ताव-1 (राष्ट्रीय परिषद बैठक (तरंग), 5-6 जून, 2021)

भारतः वर्तमान आर्थिक परिदृश्य और अग्रिम संभावनाएँ कोविड-19 अथवा कोरोना वाय ...

प्रस्ताव-2 (राष्ट्रीय परिषद बैठक (तरंग), 5-6 जून, 2021)

भारत को जीवंत और इनोवेटिव स्वास्थ्य प्रणाली का वैश्विक केंद्र बनाना कोविड ...

प्रस्ताव-3 (राष्ट्रीय परिषद बैठक (तरंग), 5-6 जून, 2021)

कोविड के टीकों व औषधियों की सर्वसुलभता आवश्यक विश्व में विगत एक वर्ष से 17.5 क ...

राष्ट्रीय परिषद की बैठक में जारी वक्तव्य

वायरस की उत्पत्ति की द्रुत गति से जाँच की जरूरत पिछले 15 महीनों में दुनिया और ...

Statement issued by National Council Meeting of SJM (5,6 June, 2021)

Need fast track enquiry into origin of virus Everyone has the right to know the origin of the virus which has caused havoc to the world and humanity in the last 15 months. Issue, that the corona vi ...

Resolution-1 (SJM's NCM (online) 5-6 June 2021)

Current Economic Scenario and Way Forward The life of billions of people all over the world has been badly affected, since the outbreak of Covid-19, that is, Chinese virus. This has proved to be a ...

Resolution-2 (SJM's NCM (online) 5-6 June 2021)

Making India a Global Hub of Vibrant and Innovative Healthcare system  Covid 19 pandemic crisis has exposed weaknesses of the Indian Healthcare system. However, this crisis can be used as ...

Resolution-3 (SJM's NCM (online) 5-6 June 2021)

Universal Access to Covid Vaccines and Medicines Necessary More than 17.5 crore persons worldwide and more than 2.85 crore in India have been swinging between life and death, after having got ...

प्रस्ताव-2 (14th Rashtriya Sammelan (Digital) of SJM (December 12-13, 2020, New Delhi)) - Hindi

किसानों को लाभकारी मूल्य का कानूनी अधिकार हो हालांकि कई राजनीतिक दल और किस ...

प्रस्ताव-1 (14th Rashtriya Sammelan (Digital) of SJM (December 12-13, 2020, New Delhi)) - Hindi

खुदरा बाजार में बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनी के छद्म प्रवेश रोका जाए भारतीय खुदरा क ...

Resolution-2 (14th Rashtriya Sammelan (Digital) of SJM (December 12-13, 2020, New Delhi))

Ensure Remunerative Price to Farmers Under the Law Though, many political parties and farmers' organizations are opposing new farm legislations, Swadeshi Jagaran Manch believes that the go ...

Resolution-1 (14th Rashtriya Sammelan (Digital) of SJM (December 12-13, 2020, New Delhi))

Change FDI Norms to Block Entry of MNCs in New Retail Format Indian Retail sector is one of the fastest markets in the world. It contributes 10% to our GDP Retail trade sector is one of the prime e ...

Chennai Meeting Resolution-3

Nationalise all the Black Money People’s anger is at the verge of explosion, on the issue of corruption. Common man is desperate to get rid of this menace at any cost. For this people are rea ...

Chennai Meeting Resolution-2

Review and Ban the Nuclear Energy Programme The Earth Quake in Japan on 11th of March and the killer Tsunami which struck immediately afterwards are paling into insignificance before the disaster o ...

Chennai Meeting Resolution-1

Swadeshi Jagaran Manch Rashtriya Prishad, Chennai (9-10 April, 2011)   Ban Genetically Modified Crops, Organisms and Food   s made from them Genetically modified Crops and ...

Deoghar (Jharkhand) - Resolution-4

SWADESHI JAGARAN MANCH All India Conference, Deoghar (Jharkhand) 11, 12, 13 November, 2011       ‘Occupy Wall Street Agitation’     Strugg ...

Deoghar (Jharkhand) - Resolution-3

SWADESHI JAGARAN MANCH 10th National Conference, Deoghar (Jharkhand) 11, 12, 13 November, 2011       Corruption And Black Money- Call For Vyavastha Parivartan   ...

Deoghar (Jharkhand) - Resolution-2

SWADESHI JAGARAN MANCH 10th National Conference, Deoghar (Jharkhand) 11, 12, 13 November, 2011       Stop Killing Farming & Farmer     The twenty ...

Deoghar (Jharkhand) - Resolution-1

SWADESHI JAGARAN MANCH 10th National Conference, Deoghar (Jharkhand) 11, 12, 13 November, 2011 Foreign Investment An Economic Invasion     Entry of foreign investments in t ...

Agra National Council � Resolution 3

SWADESHI JAGARAN MANCH National Council, Agra (Uttar Pradesh) 19, 20 May, 2012     Excessive Dependence on Foreign Investment is Ruining the Nation   Swadeshi Jag ...

Agra National Council � Resolution 2

SWADESHI JAGARAN MANCH National Council, Agra (Uttar Pradesh) 19, 20 May, 2012     Withdraw Foreign Educational Institution Regulation Bill   National Executive ...

Agra National Council � Resolution 1

SWADESHI JAGARAN MANCH National Council, Agra (Uttar Pradesh) 19, 20 May, 2012     External dependence Hampering technological development   Technology Developmen ...

Indore Res.-3 (Eng.)

The WTO agreement has been detrimental to the interests of India is very well known. Small scale industry, agricultural sector, financial and other service sectors have all been detrimentally affected ...

Indore Res.-2 (Eng.)

After Independence the Government of our country tried to find the path of progress in Western model of development in the light of the western glamour. Historically the G.D.P. of India that is Bha ...

Indore Res.-1 (Eng.)

Today the country is facing the brunt of the government's apathy to farming. In 1990-91, the per capita availability of food grains was 510 gms which now is only 427 grams per day. The per capita ...

Thiruvantharam Resolution-4

The Indian economy was on the rise from 2001-02 onwards, overcoming the effect of global sanctions after the Pokhran Atomic explosion and this surprised and shocked the world. The national saving and ...

Thiruvantharam Resolution-3

The term Western Ghats refers to the chain of mountains running parallel to the western coast of the Indian peninsula. It runs from North to South starting from River Tyapti in Gujrat upto Kanyakumari ...

Thiruvantharam Resolution-1

Swadeshi Jagran Manch views with grave concern, the increasing and unaffordable cost of public utilities be it education, health service, water, electricity, and transportation etc.In the name of libe ...

Odisha Resolution 4 (E)

Stop Foreign Dominance in Agriculture Lack of capital investment, technological enhancement, killing of traditional occupation and natural way of organic farming, traditional way of creating employ ...

Odisha Resolution 3 (E)

Stop Inviting Foreign Companies This Rashtriya Sabha of Swadeshi Jagran Manch expresses deep concern over government’s open invitation to foreign companies in different sectors. Swadeshi Jagr ...

Odisha Resolution 2 (E)

Swadeshi Model can only Save Earth The Planet Earth our only sweet home, is speeding towards an ecological disaster may be in the next 50 years or even earlier. The final warning has been given by ...

Odisha Resolution 1 (E)

The US Threat on IPR, a mere Hoax Intellectual Property Rights have been occupying an important space in the global economy driven by knowledge and especially after signing of the TRIPS agreement u ...

Vijaywada (Andhra Pradesh) Resolution - Do not make Rupee Convertible on Capital Account

Swadeshi Jagran Manch National Council Meeting 27-28 June, 2015, Vijaywada (Andhra Pradesh) Do not make Rupee Convertible on Capital Account Taking objection to the recent statements of the Go ...

National Council Meeting at Bhopal � Resolution 3

Global warming is no longer a purely academic issue to be discussed at only national and global scientific communities. The wolf is at our door steps. India is witnessing historically high temperature ...

Resolution-1 (Kurukshetra Rashtriya Sabha)

Swadeshi Jagran Manch 13th National Assembly Kurukshetra (Haryana) - 12-14 Nov. 2016 Scrap New FDI Policy and Publish White Paper on FDI Government of India has announced consolidated FDI Poli ...


Swadeshi Jagran Manch 13th National Assembly Kurukshetra (Haryana) - 12-14 Nov. 2016 Job creation must be thrust of economic policies Swadeshi Jagaran Manch takes serious note of the rapidly d ...

Before 2004

Before 2004 BEFORE 2004   Swadeshi Jagaran Manch 4th National Convention, 26-28 December, 1999 Sant Ramsingh Kuka Nagar Amritsar The Apprehensions expressed by Swadeshi Jagaran Manch ...

National Council (Kullu-Himachal Pradesh), 6-7 June, 2009

National Council (Kullu-Himachal Pradesh), 6-7 June, 2009 RESOLUTION No.- 3 Swadeshi Agenda for the Seventh WTO ministerial conference in Geneva, Switzerland Doha agenda is in deadlock since th ...

National Council Meeting (Raipur-Chhattisgarh), 12th-13th June, 2010

National Council Meeting (Raipur-Chhattisgarh), 12th-13th June, 2010 RESOLUTION NO. 4 Stop 100% FDI in Retail and Defence Production Sectors FDI in Retail Sector For more than a decade multina ...

Guwahati National Council Meeting - Resolution-2 (E)

Swadeshi Jagaran Manch National Council 20-21 May2017 Guwahati (Assam) TIME TO DUMP GLOBALISATION The Present Government has crossed its mid-term and is time to evaluate the current national a ...

10th National Convention (Jalandhar-Punjab), 2, 3, 4 October, 2010

10th National Convention (Jalandhar-Punjab), 2, 3, 4 October, 2010 Resolution-3 Control Inflation – Save Common Man For the last two years inflation has been raging in the country. While ...

Guwahati National Council Meeting - Resolution-1 (E)

Swadeshi Jagaran Manch National Council 20-21 May2017 Guwahati (Assam) Free Bharat From Chinese Influence Time and again Swadeshi Jagran Manch has been cautioning the nation that China is the ...