10th National Conference, Deoghar (Jharkhand)
11, 12, 13 November, 2011
The twenty years of globalization has clearly succeeded in one thing – killing Indian farming & farmer. This appears to be the single point agenda of the Governments in the post globalization period of the last 20 years.
The contribution of agriculture to India G.D.P. has continuously come down from 51% in 1951 to about 14.2% today. But the percentage of our population dependent on agriculture continuous to be the same 60% (about 70 crore people today).
Since the signing of the WTO agreement in 1994, there has been a flood of farmers suicide in India. As per National Crime Records Bureau report, from 1995 to 2010 two lakh fifty six thousand nine hundred thirteen farmers have commited suicide all over the country, 56% of this has taken place in five state that Maharastra, M.P.-Chhatisgarh, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.
However, the Govt. of India has been most insensitive to the crisis in our Agricultural sector. Instead of trying to help the farming sector to come out of the unprecedented crisis, it is actually positively contributing towards the further worsening of the crisis. Bills pertaining agriculture that may be passed in the winter session of the Parliament, say the same story.
1) The Land Acquisition and Rehabilitating & Resettlement Bill 2008
This Bill is expected to replace the 116 years old Land Acquisition Act 1894.
The Bill argues that transfer of land from agriculture to non agricultural purpose such as infrastructure, industries and urbanization is very important. Rural Development Ministry is working for urban development. What an irony!
The Land acquisition by private sector is allowed, provided it is for public purpose. But the Bill deliberately defines “public purpose” very vaguely for facilitating the private corporate sectors.
Further look at the R&R package over to the farmer and other livelihood loosers.
a) A subsistent allowance of Rs.3000/- per month per family for 12 months. This works out to Rs.20/- per day per person. This is far below the definition of BPL that Rs.26/- per day per person in Rural Areas, which the Planning Commission said in its affidavit filed before the Supreme Court.
b) Rs.2000/- per month per family as annuity for 20 years.
This works out to Rs. 13.33 per person per day. Again far below the Rs. 26/- B.P.L. definition. So much, as far as the glorified R & R package is concerned, The Bill does not suggest any maximum limit for transferring agricultural land for non agricultural purposes. Thus LARR Bill 2011 does not care for food security, fodder security, nutritional security and water security of the country.
2) The Seed Bill 2010
The Seed Bill 2010 opens the flood gate for the Indian & MNC seed producers, however there is no provision in the Bill for the controlling corporate seed prices. It results in the exploitation of the India farmers.
The penalty suggested in the Bill for marketing fake and substandard seeds in very trivial Rs.30,000/- only. The Bill is very soft on corporate seed companies and very hard for farmers.
3) The Bio Technology Regulatory Authority of India Bill – BRAI Bill
The BRAI Bill aims at regulating genetically modify seed industry which is trying to enter the Indian seed industry in a big way. However instead of controlling and regulating the Indian as well as MNC GM Seed companies. The BRAI Bill actually curbs the people who criticize the GM Seed and Bio Technology. The Bill curbs specifically provides that who ever criticize this BT and GM seed without proper scientific evidence will be punished with two years of imprisonment or/and Rs.2,00,000/- fine. Even scientific research against BT are punishable.
This is a decronian law which curbs the freedom of speech of the citizens and scientific enquiry. It unduly favour the BT seed industry and lead to the ultimate destruction all our traditional seeds.
Thus all the three Bills pending before the Parliament if passed in their present forms will ultimately lead to decay and destruction of India farming as well as the farmers.
This 10th National Confernence of SJM call upon the Government :
1) Not to pass the three Bills in a hurry,
2) Allow wide public debate at Gram Panchayat, farmers organization and the general public.
3) Put an immediate halt on the anti farmer policies.
4) Evolve a pro farmer an organically based agriculture policy over the next 12 months and implement during the coming 12th Five Year Plan period.
5) Stop killing farming and farmers.