Before 2004
Swadeshi Jagaran Manch
4th National Convention, 26-28 December, 1999 Sant Ramsingh Kuka Nagar Amritsar
The Apprehensions expressed by Swadeshi Jagaran Manch at its Delhi Rally on 25th February 1999, about the unviability and harmful potentialities of the WTO have been proved right by the WTO's Ministerial Conference at Seattle. The Swadeshi Jagaran Manch has always been of the firm view that due to the clash of interests of different nations and blocks as well as internal contradictions within WTO, it can not be a sustainable and successful organisation for just and equitable world trade. A world of different nations and governments on the one hand and the WTO on the other are a contradiction in terms.
Fight Anti-people Policies
National Council : SJM - 24th June, 2000 - Agra
Swadeshi Jagaran Manch accelerates its Mass-Awareness Programme on the issue of Swadeshi. Despite repeated warnings, the government has been implementing anti-people and anti-national economic policies. Indian Rural Economy is heading towards bankruptcy. Unemployment is rising , prices are soaring, and economic sovereignty of the country is in danger. SJM considers this as its’ bounded duty to oppose the increasing foreign influence in country’s economy and those forces, which are responsible for the increase in the foreign influence. National council of SJM warns the Ministers and bureaucrats of government once again and announces the following programmes:
A Call Against W.T.O.
National Council : SJM - 24th June, 2000 - Agra
The Crisis of Agriculture Sector
Sovereignty of the nation was severely compromised while signing WTO. Its mal effects are vanquishing the nation steadily. Our Parliament is being made to bow down before imperialist powers. USA filed cases against Bharat at two occasions and Bharat had to face humiliating defeat. Parliament was forced to change several laws. Patent law is being amended. Compulsion to pass acts and bills such as Plant Variety Bill and Bio-Diversity Act underlines erosion of our sovereignty.
Save Agriculture
National Council : SJM - 24th June, 2000 - Agra
As agricultural activity is becoming unprofitable, farmers are deserting the same. Even those left in agriculture are feeling helpless. Agriculture labour is migrating to cities. Growth in agricultural production is far behind growth in population. Farmers who cultivate their land in scientific ways are shifting towards the production of commercial crops from food crops like paddy and wheat. The government is reducing agricultural subsidies due to foreign pressure. Diesel and fertilizers are becoming costly. Farmers are committing suicide under the pressure of non-payment of loans. We are forced to import wheat, pulses and sugar. Edible oil industry and sugar industry are collapsing. Politically generated caste hatred is spoiling the peace in villages and causing caste riots. Electricity is not available in villages for irrigation purposes. We are free to talk of liberalization and gloalization but a country have the population of thousand millions can not afford to depend on imported food grains. It will be a suicidal step. We should not ignore our food security in any case and at any cost otherwise it will prove to be a time bomb.
Reverse Disastrous Economic Policies
National Council : SJM - 24th June, 2000 - Agra
National Democratic Alliance government, which came into existence due to people's reaction towards policy of foreign dependence adopted by the previous regimes, unfortunately has not only continued the same policy but has even accelerated its speed. Balance of payment crisis is deepening due to opening up of new sectors for private foreign investment and its automatic approval, allowing outflow of funds in the name of repatriation of dividends and by other means, and thoughtless continuation of tax exemptions for foreign investment through Mauritius route. Despite rising trade deficit, due to the policy of successive import liberalisation small-scale industry, agriculture, animal husbandry and handicrafts have all been badly affected. Poverty and unemployment is on rise. Despite rising population reeling poverty line, government is shrinking Public Distribution system (PDS) and prices of products such as sugar, food grains, kerosene etc. being distributed through PDS are being increased substantially.