Swadeshi Jagran Manch welcomes central government’s decision, not to relax provisions relating to the issue of compulsory licensing and section 3 (d) of Patent Act relating to not granting re-patent of pharma products, dismissing the pressure from the US government and pharma lobby. Today India is named ‘Pharmacy of the World’ and has been providing cheap medicines for medical care cheap case of blood cancer, HIV and other serious deceases; and 40 per cent patients are able to get treatment for such illness, only due to the cheap medicines provided by India. Sensitive to the rising cost of health care in the country and our responsibly towards the humanity, government has rightfully dismissed, Obama administration’s pressure completely and has clearly refused to give in. It is notable that previous government could not gather courage in this regard.
Swadeshi Jagran Manch calls upon the central government that when rules are issued this month, in this regard, it should continue with the same forth rightness and make no compromises in this regard.
There are many patented costly life saving medicines, Swadeshi Jagran Manch also urges upon the government, to be liberal in policy of compulsory licensing. We demand that there should be liberal provision to grant compulsory licence for other pharma products, provided a domestic producer is ready to produce and supply at one forth of the price of a patented product, giving reasonable royalty to the patent holder.
Dr. Ashwani Mahajan
All India Co-convener, SJM