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Swamy Vivekanand thoughts on Swalambhi (Self Reliant) Bharat

The Great national sin is the neglect of the masses, and that is one of the causes of our downfall. — Mahadevayya Karadalli


Swamy Vivekanand, the wandering monk travelled extensively in and out of Bharat, visiting centers of learning, meeting people with diverse religious traditions and social patterns. During his tour he has developed sympathy towards sufferings of downtrodden. He also resolved to eradicate poverty and uplift the nation. He dreamed of a Rich & Powerful Bharat. At the outset it seems that his speeches are Dharma i.e. Hindutva. But his Dharma was inclusive of Artha (wealth) and Kama - fulfillment of desire). His real dream was to build Balista Bharat. He always hits on the minds of youth to prepare them to build Balwan Bharat. Vivekananda, the youth icon want to replace weak thoughts in younger minds with optimism, that too with the help of yoga and meditation. Vivekanada’s (in  Samskrit viveka and ananda  means the bliss of discerning wisdom) clarion call is  “ What I want is   youth with  muscles of iron, nerves of steel inside which dwells a mind of the same material as that of which the thunder bolt is made”. So that I can change the future of the country. He said, our thoughts build our own personality. And Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man. Actually Swamy Vivekand wants our Country should be of Swalambhi (Self Reliant) and Swambhimani Bharat.

Swamy Vivekananda, The Drustrar of developed Bharat 

To understand Swamy Vivekanand concept of Swalambhi Bharat (Self Reliant) and Samgra Vikas, we have to understand replicating instances, intendances  within Swamiji thoughts process which includes learning from past, Love for nation, Attending all human needs, worship (protection) of woman, Religion Is  To Feed And Take Care Of All  etc., are the perquisites for Samagra Vikas (Development). Let us discuss one by one. 

Simhavalokan the Booster to resume onward journey 

During Himalayas long trekking Swami Vivekananda met with an good old man, who was exhausted and hopelessly standing at the foot of an upward slope. On seeing Swamiji he cried with utter frustration, “now, I am unable to walk any more then how is possible to cross. My chest will break”. On hearing the cry patiently then Swamiji said, “Look down at your feet, the road now under your feet is the same road on which you have walked on. The same road which you feel as hard nut soon be under your feet. The words were booster for an old man to resume his onward trekking. A lesson from this instance is that one who has to move go ahead has to look back into the past.  

Burning love for Bharat 

After the first day’s session of the Parliament of Religions Swamiji was taken to the mansion of a millionaire and given royal reception. The host did every possible to make Swamiji feel comfortable, but Swamiji neither hankered after name and fame, nor did he want physical comfort. He could not forget how much his countrymen were suffering. His heart continued to bleed for India and he could not sleep on the luxurious bed. Such was Swamiji’s burning love for India. 

An Embodiment of Love: Belur math Swamy Vijnananda ( Peshan) saw one midnight swamiji was bitterly crying. Swamiji did not notice that his brother disciple had come to his room. Are you not feeling well Swamiji? He said, I Presumed you were asleep. No my dear I am not sick.  But I cannot sleep as long as my country suffers. I was crying and praying to Sri Ramakrishna that we would soon see better days.  He was an embodiment of love for India and her people. He would inspire everybody who came in contact with him to love India.

Wonderful Expression of love: Swamiji Was guest of Priyanah Mukherjee at Deogar, while walking he saw a road side man in helpless condition. Swamiji took him served him and man was soon recovered. Host was filled with admiration for his wonderful expression of love. 

Love Bharat: Josephine Mac Leod an admirer of swamy, if at all she want to help him, Love India. Swamiji himslef was a condensed India. His love for India was so profound that eventually he became its embodiment in flesh and blood. According to Nivedita India was his greatest passion, India throbbed in his breast, bear in his pulses, was his day dream, was his nightmare. He himself became India. Symbol of her spirituality, purity, wisdom, power, vision and destiny. 

Attending all human needs

A preacher of the Cow Protection Society once approached Swamiji for financial help. Swamiji listened patiently then said Sanyasi cannot give monetary help. If I have money I shall first spend it in the service of man.  After attending all human needs perhaps something could be given to your society. 

Help, Feed, give whatever you have to get peace: If you want peace you have to do exactly the opposite of what you have been doing so long. You have to keep your doors to open and have to look around you.  You will be surprised to find how many people are anxiously waiting for your help. Help them, feed them, give them water to drink, serve them as much as you can. I guarantee you will get peace. Try hard for salvation of others if you want to scaler the peak of spiritual attainment. 

Girishchandra Ghosh during conversion asked swamiji Naren, I know you have studied Vedas, Vedantas, philosophy in great detail.  But do these scripture suggest a way out of the poverty, scarcity of food, and all the other great problems plaguing the country.  Goes on depicting the dismal picture of society and cited more examples. Swamiji sat speechless, Tears rolled down his cheeks and he hurriedly left the room. This is great heart of Swamji. Girish told to Sharatchandra Chakravarty. 

Helping the poor: One day Swamiji was travelling by train, a poor Muslim hawker selling boiled gram boarded his compartment. As soon as Swamiji saw him, he wanted to help the poor man and not to eat his gram. Bramachari accompanying Swamiji purchased worth one paise gram but give him 4 annas.  But Swamiji sharp eye seen, said that is too little, he has wife and children at home, give him a rupee.  However he did not ear gram. 

Religion is to feed and taek care of all  

Famous editor Hitawadi, Pandit Sakharam Ganesh Deuskar came along with two friends, one is Punjabi. Swamiji talked grim food situation in Punjab. They could not discuss spiritual matters with Deuskar. He told, we expected to hear something spiritual from you today. Unfortunately our conversation drifted towards mundane matters. On hearing this Swamiji with serious told as long as a even stray dog of my country remains without food, my religion will be to feed and take care of him. All else is either non religion or false religion.  Deusker said he made to realize what true patriotism meant.  

The great national sin: The Great national sin is the neglect of the masses, and that is one of the causes of our downfall. Our mission is for the destitute, the poor, and the illiterate peasantry and laboring classes, and if after everything has been done for them first, there is spare time, then only for the gentry. 


to be continued...

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