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Congress Narrative and Ecosystem in India

Congress Narrative and Ecosystem in India
(The practice of broadcasting false propaganda by twisting the facts, drawing false conclusions and suppressing inconvenient Truth.)


The Congress continued the practice of propagating the perverted version of history, tradition and culture of India, which British propagated and stifled the voices which challenged this view. — Mahadevayya Karadalli


The Congress party, which has ruled the country for almost 6 decades since independence without any major opposition.  Congress Party has developed the art of mastery on controlling the media, a sacred institution which has enormous power in shaping the public opinion. People was made to believe that Congress is the only party which fought for independence. Therefore, the people of that time naturally and innocently believed the Congress.  Out of blind admiration supported Pandit Nehru, the undisputed leader of Congress. Taking the advantage of this Nehru, his family and his successors created a group of Anti – Santana Sanskriti consisting of left-wing ideological, Marxists intellectuals and placed them in important places controlling the flow of information to general public, such as Media, various social and cultural academies, Heads of Universities, Boards of Academics etc. In the absence of social media, the media was indirectly controlled by congress ecosystem and was used to broadcast government news propaganda. This ecosystem had exclusive privilege of being gate keepers, thereby allowing only those who toe their line of thinking into position of authority in these institutions and hence ensuring their line of thinking only perpetuates for many generations.  These people, under the guise of democratic free speech etc., would twist the news to their liking whenever required, but would shamelessly suppress inconvenient facts. A close look reveals that this ecosystem acted like famous Nazi Propagandists Goebbel who was shaping public opinion as Nazis wanted by using Goebbels’s strategy of telling a lie repeatedly and ensuring that the voice of opposite view does not reach the people.

The Congress continued the practice of propagating the perverted version of history, tradition and culture of India, which British propagated and stifled the voices which challenged this view.  In the media, in the press, in the universities, in the strategic positions of the government, they had nurtured their loyalists who are labeled as intellectuals, progressives and ideologues. It is a well-known fact that an eco-system had grown by co-opting its supporters by giving state awards, Padma Shri, Padma Bhushan, Jnanpith awards, honorary doctorates, positions of Chancellors etc, with good salaries & other perquisites like Luxury accommodation, traveling abroad etc. For example, in 2012 Prof Amartya Sen a Nobel laurite appointed as Chairman of Nalanda University an ancient educational study Center and During his tenure project was suffered inordinate delay and mismanagement. But paid handsome salary and perquisites.  As a reward for his loyalty though his health does not permit him to work Prof U R Anantmurthy was appointed as first chancellor of Central University of Karnataka. Government by extending extraordinary faculties, status to Intellectuals. In return they were expected to be loyal to their masters and work to promote the congress false narrative across all medias of communication such as print and visual media, education, cinema and other arts literature etc., Besides, these “congress intellectuals” were also puppets in the hand’s foreign governments and media circles, who were anti Sanatani in nature and wanted to promote the “idea of India as cultivated by Britishers” to justify their colonial rule.  

Deprived of a chance to govern after 2014, the Congress is gasping like a fish out of water. The Congress, which was the architect of building the perverted   narrative about Bharat’s culture and tradition, was all set to take power in 2024, hoping that 10 years Modi Rule would have created “Anti -Incumbency” against BJP Government at center. But its wish was not fulfilled. It feels compelled to double down to promote more and more of their narratives to discredit the ruling government, which unfortunately ends up in discrediting true nature of India that is Santana Dharma and its traditions.  

For example, in 2024 Loka Sabha, the BJP, in fact did not lose the game, but saw merely the reduction in victory margin (Comparing with cricket match it is like X Team defeated Y team by merely 10 runs, instead of defeating with a margin of more than 200 runs, as used to happen in the past) It was advertised that Modi’s has lost the match. Such a wrong narrative, tried to suppress the fact that, the Congress could not cross the hundred mark and entire opposition could not cross the number achieved by a single party i.e., BJP.  They tried to keep the citizens in a delusion by promoting the fact that the Congress won double the number of seats and whereas the BJP won less than the number of seats won in the last Lok Sabha.  It is quiet surprise BJP cadre also come under this hangover.  But the Congress plan was unfurled in the President’s vote of thanks, as though this reduction in margin of defeat in itself is a cause of great celebration. Prime Minister, many BJP leaders, including Anurag Thakur, spoke highly during the debate in parliament on motion of thanks to President’s speech, which did not make news for traditional congress supporting media. But Kharge and Rahul’s speech was not only given wide publicity and promoted both in traditional and social media by congress ecosystem. 

Rahul Gandhi has often said that India is not a country but a union. When the spirit behind the speech is closely examined, it feels like this deliberate statement is part of a nation-breaking frenzy, giving an impression that parts which came together by accident of history to form Indian Union, can always break away as there is no fundamental underlying unity in India. The media which belongs to congress ecosystem, does not talk about the dangerous consequences of such an idea for the integrity and unity of country. As a follow-up to this, he did not condemn Kerala, where he is an MP, for appointing a foreign secretary for his state.

Although it is known that the budget includes department-wise grants and state-wise distribution is done automatically in each department, immediately after the presentation of the budget, the states ruled by opposition parties lamented that they did not get the grant. Even when the UPA government was in power, state-wise budget grants were not given in the budget documents, a fact which exposes the false narrative Congress ecosystem was propagating. 

The conduct of congress eco system post Modi 3.0 Govt is not a surprise as it is just a continuation of the lies, they were spreading during election period also.  such as Modi will change the constitution and remove reservation if he wins etc., In addition false promises which are financially impossible to implement were made such as depositing, Rs 8500/- to each voter’s account every month.

In addition to spreading lies, suppressing facts/ news which are inconvenient to Congress ecosystem and its supporters, is also major propaganda tactics. 

Ruling BJP   has to take strong steps to address problem posed by “Intellectuals”.  Through narrative and eco-system. But will it take firm action to create an alternative to the Congress ecosystem? Can false narratives be effectively replaced? Will BJP rise again? Is it the voice of the affected citizens in real sense? Time only can answer these questions?



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